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Monday, September 23, 2024 | Digital Edition | Crossword & Sudoku

Most Canberrans are avoiding in-person GP visits


FIFTY-four per cent of Canberrans are worried about visiting their doctor in person out of fears of catching COVID-19 or the flu, according to a new study.

The research from InstantScripts, an Australian online prescription service, found that 19 per cent of ACT residents are reluctant to visit their GP specifically over fears of catching covid, with a fifth of people saying they’ve avoided visiting a GP for the last 12 months.

“The highly contagious nature of the Delta variant means many people are reluctant to put themselves at heightened risk of infection by visiting their GP, especially after the recent outbreaks in Melbourne and Sydney,” said Dr Asher Frelich, a registered GP and clinical director of InstantScripts.

Across Australia the results showed that 40 per cent of people are reluctant to visit their GP out of fears of contracting a virus.

Young people are particularly concerned, with 34 per cent worried about catching an illness from an in-person visit.

Just over a third (35 per cent) have also avoided visiting their GP within the past 12 months, along with 33 per cent of those aged 31-50.

Dr Frelich believes the research highlights a growing need for reliable telehealth services throughout Australia­ where patients can consult a certified GP without having to leave their home.

According to an ACT Health spokesperson, many health professionals across Canberra are offering telehealth appointments, which take place either online or over the phone, but the spokesperson also encouraged Canberrans to visit their doctor in person if required.

“Health services, clinics and hospitals across Canberra are open and are safe to attend to receive medical care. They have hygiene and physical distancing measures in place to keep you safe,” said the spokesperson.

“If you have a chronic illness or routinely see a doctor, it’s important that you keep attending your appointments. If you are feeling unwell, don’t put off or avoid seeing your doctor.

“If you have a temperature or symptoms consistent with COVID-19, call ahead first to let your doctor know.”

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