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Sunday, September 22, 2024 | Digital Edition | Crossword & Sudoku

Prescribed burn at Majura may produce smoke cover

A PRESCRIBED burn planned at Majura today (October 8) may cause smoke cover that’ll be visible across the territory. 

Subject to suitable weather and fuel moisture conditions, the burn at Majura is being conducted at 540 Pialligo Avenue to remove piles of dead timber, reduce the fire risk, and improve the pasture for grazing.

The ACT Parks and Conservation Service advises that the burn may continue to tomorrow if required and weather permits.

They say experienced ACT Parks and Conservation fire managers will conduct and oversee the burning operation.

As part of managing the prescribed burn to its conclusion, a buffer zone of up to 20 metres will be created around the complete perimeter of each prescribed burn.

People with asthma, other chronic respiratory and/or chronic cardiac diseases, should not perform vigorous exercise and should stay inside if affected by the smoke. People with asthma should continue their medication and consult their general practitioner if they experience discomfort, the service says.

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