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Sunday, September 22, 2024 | Digital Edition | Crossword & Sudoku

Quarantining drivers send buses to summer timetable

CANBERRA buses will run to different weekday timetable from tomorrow (August 25) in response to the shortage of 80 drivers reported to be in quarantine. 

The “interim” timetable is the same as the summer holiday timetable.

“The interim timetable will still provide a high level of frequency with all local services and the Rapid 10 running at least every 30 minutes, and all other Rapids running at least every 15 minutes until 8pm during the week,” said Ben McHugh, deputy director-general of Transport Canberra.

Weekend services will remain the same and light rail will continue to run to its regular frequency at this time.

“We have been experiencing impacts to the reliability of bus services because of the growing number of drivers required to comply with ACT Health directions. Many of our drivers have been affected due to having children at local schools which have been identified as exposure sites,” he says.

“As a result of so many drivers in quarantine, we are enacting our business continuity plan by transitioning to a summer holiday timetable. This will ensure that public transport services remain frequent and reliable for those that need them while also not placing undue pressure on our workforce.” 

Dedicated school bus services will not be running. Children of essential workers who have been using these dedicated buses to get to and from school will continue to be accommodated. Transport Canberra is working with schools on these arrangements.


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