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Anti-mandate protesters picked the wrong city

Protesters at Old Parliament House. Photo: Mike Welsh

“Interfering with human rights through sensible regulation has always been a part of history. A range of mandates have applied across all societies with the intention of protecting the vulnerable,” writews columnist MICHAEL MOORE. 

THE anti-mandate protesters came to Canberra to make a point. Similar protests were held in Canada, NZ and across the world. The trouble for the protesters in Australia is that they chose the wrong city.

Michael Moore.

The protests are fundamentally about personal freedom and “my right to choose” as opposed to accepting government decisions to maintain a healthy community at the price of losing some personal freedoms. 

A similar ideological struggle is being played out between nations.

China is one extreme. For some individuals who have not been prepared to act in what the government considers the best interests of the community the consequences have been detention and “re-education”. Some jurisdictions in the US are on the other end of the spectrum where almost any interference in the right to freedom is an anathema.

However, interfering with human rights through sensible regulation has always been a part of history. A range of mandates have applied across all societies with the intention of protecting the vulnerable. Regulation of business protects people from fraud and inappropriate practices. The same is true for real estate activities, the protection of tenants, regulation of builders and the banking system.

Mandates have applied to military conscription from time to time in most countries. In Australia, young men at 20 years of age were “mandated” to join the military and were sent to fight the unpopular Vietnam War.

Why is Canberra the “wrong” city? As a starting point, 98.6 per cent of Canberrans over the age of 12 years have had at least two jabs. In other words, only 1.4 per cent remain unvaccinated. This is a tiny percentage of unvaccinated people compared to other parts of Australia and absolutely miniscule on an international comparison.

By contrast to Canberra, the fully vaccinated rate according to Johns Hopkins University, is just over 80 per cent for all Canadians and Australians. NSW does not identify the cumulative total over 12, but chooses to use 16 and above. Above 16 there is a 94.1 per cent double vaccination rate and for 12-15 the rate is 78 per cent.

However, the protests are not just about vaccination. The right-wing movement in the US and across the world is fuelling the protests with a broader agenda. Some of the banners being carried through the streets of Canberra make this abundantly clear.

“The Washington Post” is monitoring such protests worldwide. The paper reported: “Protesters waved signs saying ‘GENOCIDE’ and ‘FREEDOM’ in front of Parliament, lawmaker Kristina Keneally warned that the crowd contained ‘individuals that our national security agencies are worried about’. She told reporters: “Some of these protesters actually want to undermine and overturn democracy.’”

The ideological and philosophical struggle is really about concern for self on the one hand, versus concern for community well-being on the other. There are confounding factors between the extremes. The most significant of these is trust. Political practices over the last couple of decades including corrupt practices, bullying, trading policy positions for donations and pork-barrelling have undermined trust.

The lack of trust in politicians plays right into the hands of those who have a sinister agenda. In Wellington, there were violent clashes with police during the demonstrations. Ironically, the Ottawa protests resulted in the city being “locked down” with the mandate to do so coming from truck drivers who simply blocked the central part of the city with their 18 wheelers and refused to move. They used their own mandate to object to mandates!

In Canberra attempts to set up camping areas in front of Parliament House were not successful with police moving the campers to an appropriate location at Epic. From there, they were able to freely move around the city (albeit with the seatbelt mandate in place).

The right to protest is a freedom that is valued in our democratic system and one that ought to be appropriately protected. However, people who protest should also recognise that there are those who have a difference of opinion. In Canberra, with so many people at least double vaccinated, it is likely that the vast majority hold a different opinion.

The demands for more personal freedom and rights from these protesters are a self-centred and selfish approach that flies in the face of good, compassionate community relations that are held dear by the vast majority in Canberra.


Michael Moore is a former member of the ACT Legislative Assembly and an independent minister for health. He has been a political columnist with “CityNews” since 2006. There are more of his incisive columns on


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Michael Moore

Michael Moore

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14 Responses to Anti-mandate protesters picked the wrong city

Sovereign says: 12 February 2022 at 4:27 am

Michael Moore, you are such a political fool. These everyday Australians walked through the city of Canberra and were supported by everyone. Australian’s didn’t just get vaccinated for their health, the vast majority were coerced. So take your political stance elsewhere, and let the people speak! We are united as ever. 🇦🇺

Ripley says: 12 February 2022 at 3:49 pm

As a Canberran totally agree with Michael Moore. I was not coerced to become vaccinated – I chose to do it to protect my health and the heath of those around me. I don’t know of anyone in Canberra who supports these idiots.

Julie says: 13 February 2022 at 9:19 am

All you achieved by getting vaxed was ensuring you get covid and your immune system is shot. I have dead family and friends and many severely injured from the toxic jab. I refuse to call it a vaccine because it protects nobody. Look at the death rates and hospitalised daily for last 2 months. 80% are double and TRIPLE vaxed and that should concern you. Wake up turn off your tv. You have never seen the real news and I doubt you know what anybody had suffered.

Sharon says: 12 February 2022 at 5:03 pm

The ‘everyday Australians’ (I sincerely hope not given the extremist views scattered through this group) that protested were not supported by me or anyone I know, including across different states and territories. Speak, say what you have to say, but then that’s it. You can’t blame people if they don’t sympathise or agree with you. That’s democracy- not perfect but the best system to recognise the interests of the whole. As far as I can tell most of the odd complaints raised are for state and territory governments to respond to – why are you here??

Dolphin says: 12 February 2022 at 5:49 pm

Er. Everyone? Not me or any canberran i know. I wasn’t coerced into taking the vaccine. You dont speak for the people. No one appointed or elected you to that role. You only speak for yourself. I dont know how many agree with you.

Dean says: 12 February 2022 at 7:35 pm

Not just for our health but for the health of others. Reciprical altruism not coercion, its why we have done so well as a species. Canberrans can’t wait to see the back of these fools.

Dave the Rave says: 12 February 2022 at 8:44 am

You said the word, “trust”. The public not specifically right wing, no longer trust their governments. This is across world as democracy is usurped by supranational unelected bodies often funded by tax exempt foundations influencing lawmakers . This means that corporations and the owners of those corporations are calling the shots and have an ever closer relationship with the so called elected representatives of the people. When the people wake up, and all else fails they take us to war. That’s what you people in Bubble Canberra need to worry about, that and your waning amounts of immunity.

Heather J Carson says: 12 February 2022 at 4:19 pm

Most people of Canberra just want them to go home.
They have destroyed lifelines ability to carry out their annual book fair, the local farmers market etc and are being extremely obnoxious and abusive to the residents trying to carry on their lives. People have been threatened with group assaults for just wearing a mask, they threatened to harass young children and their families at a vaccination clinic… They are not welcome and they are not protesting where is needed. These are STATE issues NOT federal!
If you say anything to them you just get abused and harassed, myself and friends have been, for just speaking up on what we believe…. It’s ok for them, but no one else’s opinion matters to them.
Go home already

Jan Wrate says: 12 February 2022 at 4:53 pm

Agree totally that they picked the WRONG city!!! And how dare one of the gronks play The Last Post at a protest!!!! The biggest slap in the face to all our diggers yet. Perhaps they should have consulted where and when it IS appropriate to play this and no-where did I read at a protest. One loan person may call you a political fool but the average Canberra citizen knows exactly who the fools are here!

Janine Mahoney says: 12 February 2022 at 7:45 pm

Good thinking Michael Moore. I totally agree with you.
Janine Mahoney, Canberra.

Craig thornson says: 13 February 2022 at 12:02 pm

Hi Michael.
I grew up in Canberra but left many years ago. I find your article as to be expected of a myopic resident of the most middle clsss city in the world. Quoting the WaPo, failing to mention Bezos has increased his wealth by a few hundred billion during the ‘pandemic’.. The public good? I am 5 funerals in and 2 other friends permanently disabled from the ‘vax’. A vax that supposedly ‘immunises’ against a portion of the spike protein of the Wuhan variant. Which no longer exists.. Biological illiterate do gooders continue to push an experimental evil onto others to appear virtuous. This is not going to end well and your article,in which you try to appear ‘measured’ will be yet another studied by history students as they analyse the madness of crowds.

Anne Dudley says: 14 February 2022 at 4:48 pm

Nice piece of writing Craig, however, when did a protest about rights sanction damaging public property and preventing a national support service (Lifeline) from holding its important fundraising fair which had to be postponed last year because of Covid? When is it okay for protesters to harass and verbally abuse the local citizens, prevent locals from accessing their farmers markets impairing farmers from making good on sales of their fresh produce? When did free speech and democracy give protesters the right to set up camp wherever they like and trash and harass people at the Aboriginal Tent Embassy? This is not democracy and free speech in action, this is Anarchy! I say to the protesters stop honking your horns and waving and misusing the Australian Flag as if it is yours alone. It is not! It represents and symbolises our nationhood and the views of All Australians, not just a small minority. All these protesters have done is highlight every reason why any of us who been vaccinated did so.

paulcwilliam says: 20 March 2022 at 4:31 pm

Wake up Anne, Watch the matrix, you live in that same world of lies. The vaccines are GENOCIDE. there is never a reason for second shot let alone a booster…you are part of slow kill genocide and you are mass formation psychosis like barracking for your own demise. Humanity is screwed because of people like you.


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