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Monday, September 23, 2024 | Digital Edition | Crossword & Sudoku

Four planets set to align in a ‘rare celestial treat’

Photo: Dr Brad Tucker

EARLY risers are in for a “celestial treat” this Sunday (May 1) when four planets align, offering a rare opportunity to sky-gazers.

Saturn, Mars, Venus and Jupiter will all be visible from Earth and will appear in a straight line from 4.30am until sunrise, says the ANU Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics

Venus and Jupiter – the two brightest planets in the sky – will get so close that they’ll appear to nearly collide, or look as if they’re “kissing”.

“Venus and Jupiter have been moving closer together over the past several weeks, so this romantic spark between them has ben brewing for some time,” says ANU astrophysicist Dr Brad Tucker.

“Although Venus and Jupiter get close to one another every few years, this time there is also Mars and Saturn in the mix which is pretty rare.

“From about 4.30am, look towards the east and you’ll be able to see Venus and Jupiter appear as one planet. If you have a telescope, a pair of binoculars or a decent camera, then you’ll get an even better view.”

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