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Libs call for free-bus travel for six weeks

THE Canberra Liberals will today (April 6) call on the government to make bus travel free for six weeks to help ease cost of living pressures in the ACT.

Shadow transport minister Mark Parton said while the fuel excise cut handed down in last week’s federal Budget will alleviate current financial pressures on Canberrans, fuel prices could still remain above levels seen just a few months ago.

“Those most affected by rising fuel prices are Canberrans already experiencing cost of living pressures, in particular low income earners,” said Mr Parton.

“There is no doubt under this Labor-Greens Government many Canberrans are doing it tough, and this is one lever the government has at its disposal to help alleviate these pressures.”

Along with waiving bus fares for six weeks, Mr Parton will also call on the government to resume its normal timetable.

“The current interim timetable has led to lengthy delays for crowded buses with post lockdown patronage numbers increasing on public transport in the ACT,” Mr Parton said.

“It is ridiculous that the Labor-Greens Government is encouraging public transport as a partial solution to the looming light rail impacts on traffic flows while still operating on an interim bus timetable.”

Transport Canberra yesterday said bus services will continue to run on the interim timetable until further notice.

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