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Memo administrator: drink, fish and forget Canberra

Flying Fish Cove on Christmas Island. Photo: Yvonne McKenzie

“I was told, rather bluntly, by a long-suffering islander to do exactly what the department back in Canberra clearly expected of me, namely either get on the grog or go fishing or, preferably, do both,” says JON STANHOPE, a rueful former administrator of Christmas Island. 

IN a refreshing change in long-standing practice the new Commonwealth Territories Minister, Kristy McBain, has called for expressions of interest from anyone interested in appointment as administrator of either Norfolk Island and/or Christmas and the Cocos (Keeling) Islands.

Jon Stanhope.

This nod to an open and merit-based process is, of course, to be applauded.

However, in the interests of openness, I declare I was the beneficiary of a process of appointment, by a previous Labor government, that eschewed any such process and resulted in my appointment in 2012 as administrator of Christmas Island and the Cocos (Keeling) Islands. 

It transpired I had suffered a grave misconception when I gratefully accepted the role of administrator. I assumed it was a real job and that, from 9 to 5, five days a week, I would be engaged in the day-to-day administration of the two territories. 

I also assumed I’d be the point of contact between the residents of the islands and the Department of Regional Development back in Canberra. And also that in my role I would, for example, marshal the views of the residents and convey them to the responsible public servants who would develop draft policy and expenditure proposals for my consideration and, as a basis of consultation, with residents. Silly me.

My views about the nature of the appointment were undoubtedly coloured by my experience a couple of decades earlier as official secretary and deputy administrator of Norfolk Island, which was in fact, a real job. 

There was, of course, a major difference in the governance arrangements of Norfolk Island and those of the Indian Ocean territories, most notably that Norfolk Island was, at the time, self-governing and so its residents enjoyed fundamental democratic rights that those of Christmas and the Cocos Islands were then and are still denied. 

Sadly, residents of Norfolk Island now also have virtually no say in the governance of their community following the bizarre, egregious and lazy decision of all three of the major parties, in 2015, to abolish self-government. 

As an aside, I have (tongue in cheek) urged my deeply outraged friends and colleagues on Norfolk Island to invite the Chinese ambassador to inspect their quality of democracy in the hope that China might sponsor a motion, at the UN, on the depths of Australia’s shameless hypocrisy in respect to the democratic rights of the citizens of its external territories.

As things stand, residents of Hong Kong arguably have more democratic rights than Norfolk Islanders and clearly more than the residents of Christmas and the Cocos Islands.

My confusion and concern about the limited role ascribed by the department to me as administrator reached a point that I made an appointment with the minister, who following a change of government early in my appointment, was Jamie Briggs, to air my concerns. 

At the heart of my concern was that the Administration Ordinances of Christmas Island and the Cocos (Keeling) Islands charge the administrator with responsibility for the peace, order and good government and administration of each of the territories. 

I advised the minister that I was concerned that, because neither I nor the residents of the territories were involved in any decision making in relation to the governance of the territories, that the Administration Ordinances were, in my view, almost certainly being routinely breached. 

I asked the minister to seek the views of the Attorney-General’s Department or the Government Solicitor on the proper interpretation of the Administration Ordinances and the role of the administrator. 

Minister Briggs acceded and in due course, I travelled to Canberra to be briefed on the advice only to be told, upon arrival at the department, that it had been decided to neither brief me on nor make the advice available for my perusal.

I recall I responded by saying that considering the refusal to provide me with the advice, I didn’t need to read it to know what it said.

After returning to Christmas Island from this fruitless visit, while lazing on the beach at Flying Fish Cove with friends Robyn and I had made, I lamented about this sorry situation and asked for advice on what I should do. 

I was told, rather bluntly, by a long-suffering islander to do exactly what the department back in Canberra clearly expected of me, namely either get on the grog or go fishing or, preferably, do both.

My point is that if you are by any chance thinking of expressing interest in appointment as administrator of Christmas and the Cocos (Keeling) Islands, it might be wise to ask for a detailed and independent briefing on the Christmas Island Administration Ordinance before proceeding.

More seriously, how is it we all have our knickers in such a furious knot about the denial of the residents of the ACT and the NT a right to legislate in relation to a single issue, namely euthanasia, yet greet with silence and disinterest the fact that thousands of proud Australian citizens on Christmas, the Cocos (Keeling) and Norfolk islands are denied a say in the governance and administration of their communities. What appalling hypocrisy.

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Thank you,

Ian Meikle, editor

Jon Stanhope

Jon Stanhope

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7 Responses to Memo administrator: drink, fish and forget Canberra

Lynette says: 1 November 2022 at 11:58 am

Good on you Jon Stanhope, for expressing your concerns about these external Territories that Canberra couldn’t give a stuff about.
They listen more to the rights of Aboriginals and bowing over to their every whim. Yet people on Norfolk Island 🇳🇫 are totally ignored their heritage their birthrights everything.
Australia, just came in and took over actually, it was really a bully offence. Might I add, they took all our records, who knows what they did with them. Probably destroyed them. So there was no evidence to say Queen Victoria gave us as Norfolk Islanders the land.
So Canberra completely wiped all our history. Never want to know about our rights as Norfolk Islanders. It is just like dictatorship. I detest this. I’m so pleased you have written this. So others can read it.
Might I add, they have spent so much money on Norfolk Island it’s beyond a joke. They have never consulted the Islanders what they think or what do they think they should do. So some of these Canberra representatives, that come to Norfolk Island are on the pigs back. Getting paid big megabucks, and do stuff all. Or should I say, us Norfolk Islanders scratch our heads and wonder, how stupid can they get.
I really think Canberra thought Islanders don’t have brains. I’m appalled by this. Actually it’s laughing stock on Norfolk, the money they are wasting.
Might I ask you Jon, I saw the voting for the Australian Government, to vote on the take over of Norfolk Island. Do you know what? There were only four members in that room. How come they were allowed to vote on this big decision? Answer me that one. Very one sided to say the least.
When we were self governed by Norfolk Islanders, I have heard the island was kept much cleaner, whereas now, it’s been let go.
My question to you is, how come they lay huge amounts of money, for these fly-in fly-out wonders in Canberra. That honestly just booze and eat, on big salaries. They are laughing to the bank. So really who is the stupid one now? It’s honestly a joke amongst us. Canberra is a laughing stock as they don’t exactly know what they are really doing. The sad part about it, that Norfolk Islanders won’t say anything now, as they know it goes on deaf ears.
Why don’t they recognise our heritage our way of life. You know why? We have fallen on deaf ears and they don’t give a stuff.
So I’m glad you have written this article. Maybe Norfolk Island needs to have China look at our island. Might get Canberra thinking?
I wouldn’t like to allow China into our Island. But, honestly, Canberra has to answer for a lot of things it has done to these islands in the Pacific. They can’t get their heads around that we are not part of the mainland, so please don’t compare us to try and do this. It will never work.

floydvandoren says: 7 November 2022 at 8:31 am

re. “Might I ask you Jon, I saw the voting for the Australian Government, to vote on the take over of Norfolk Island. Do you know what? There were only four members in that room. How come they were allowed to vote on this big decision? Answer me that one. Very one sided to say the least.”

WELL SAID re. ALL of your post above Lynette, it’s the unvarnished TRUTH – however, as an Australian taxpayer who disagrees with the “takeover”, it’s the quoted bit above that caught my eye: PLEASE EXPLAIN – who were the “members” who voted FOR the ‘Australian-Takeover’?

Are we talking Australian politicians here – or Norfolk politicians?

Ms Jones says: 23 November 2022 at 10:47 pm

Mr Stanhope, so much about the self governance of Norfolk Island was left out of your opinion piece. This disrepair of infrastructure, lack of healthcare, Medicare was something not afforded to the Island and many went without much needed medications. The cost of food. The horrific allegations of sexual abuse. The list goes on…

How many millions or should I say billions of dollars a year was the Australian government giving to this self governing Island??

WesQ says: 11 December 2022 at 6:55 pm

Ms Jones, “millions or should I say billions of dollars…..” most of ur comment above shows ur quite clearly ignorant of any level of fact on the topic, so let me spell it out for u on this one point alone.
There is more money spent on fireworks in Sydney Harbour each New Yrs Eve than what the Federal Government was drip feeding to the Norfolk Island Government, it was a mere drop in the federal budget ocean. The Aussie tax payer is now footing a much larger bill, since the invasion, for costs associated with Norfolk Island then it ever was before hand.
Thanks for the article Jon!!

Tane cottle says: 11 December 2022 at 7:41 am

@MsJones, Norfolk Island had its own medical insurance scheme, different areas of health care were more affordable than what Medicare provides, different but suited to Island needs.
Australian agencies alleged horrific sexual abuse to advance their invasion of Norf’k Island, no evidence was found and no court cases recorded from their allegations, no place is free from sexual violence, it certainly won’t have changed since the invasion.
Absolutely no Billions a year were given to Norfolk Island ever, we would not be having this conversation if it had been.

What’s horrific here, is people think their opinion is just cause to take away the rights of other people.
What was also possible here, all of the help you believe has now been given to Norfolk Island from the invasion could easily been given by the Australian Government without them removing our Legislative Assembly, imagine that! It all could have been given without taking away democracy for a distinct and seperate group of people.
Cost of living.. not just food(food is now hard to come by because of the invasion), but cost of living has never been more unaffordable for the Islanders.
Your opinion does nothing but add to the angst of the people suffering this invasion.
Regards, Tane Cottle.

Vickie Douran says: 11 December 2022 at 7:26 pm

Well said Tane, at least your information is correct and the truth, its also coming from a Norfolk Islander that is living the invasion not just an individual that has an opinion.


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