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‘Moses’ makes an appearance at the Parliament House protests

“Moses” and his tablet. Photo: Mike Welsh

AMID the thousands of colourful, flag and banner-waving people protesting against vaccine mandates, snapper MIKE WELSH caught this biblical moment with a “Moses” like character carrying a very modern “tablet” atop Parliament House today (February 16). 

He was carrying a stick with a small “Set My People Truly Free” sign attached.

The protesters have been irritating and entertaining locals for more than a fortnight in Canberra and there is a possibility, with the camping hordes about to be evicted from the EPIC campground tomorrow, that today’s big rally along Commonwealth Avenue and up to Parliament House is the last of it. But who knows? The amazing picture below illustrates the size of the crowd – thousands of people – that crammed one of Canberra’s main arteries this morning.

The scene from Parliament House of the thousands of people protesting against the vaccine mandates. Photo: Mike Welsh



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One Response to ‘Moses’ makes an appearance at the Parliament House protests

Will Yates says: 13 February 2022 at 7:41 am

It seems to me that these protesters have only achieved disrupting and annoying local Canberrans. They arrived when Politicians weren’t even on town, tried to sabotage popular local businesses and caused mayhem for traffic and just as a parting gesture, ensured that EPIC was damaged enough that the Annual Bookfair Fundraiser had to be cancelled. I feel that they are just a bunch of narcissists, so self dilution all and contemptuous that they simply caused problems for the wrong people by their I’ll considered and so called Protest. In fact the Politicians, if they did bother to find out about a protest directed about themselves are probably only laughing. But I assure them, the local residents are NOT. (I personally don’t agree with Vaxers mandates, but this protest was a shambles led and encouraged by evil morons)


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