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Minister must clarify Voice role: Liberals

Sussan Ley says voters want answers from the government ahead of the referendum on the voice. (Paul Braven/AAP PHOTOS)

By Paul Osborne and William Ton in Canberra

The federal opposition says Indigenous Australians Minister Linda Burney needs to clarify whether the date of Australia Day is an issue the Voice could advise on.

Facing opposition questions in parliament on Tuesday, Ms Burney said the Voice – which will be put to a referendum later in the year – would not advise on “parking tickets… changing Australia Day (or) all of the ridiculous things that that side has come up with”.

A key figure in the design of the voice, Tom Calma, told “The Australian” advice on shifting Australia Day could be put to the government if it was seen as a priority for the body.

But he said there would be many other priorities for the Voice in terms of improving indigenous wellbeing, well ahead of anything to do with Australia Day.

Liberal deputy leader Sussan Ley said the government was not being genuine in answering questions about the parameters of the indigenous Voice.

“It is simply not good enough for Linda Burney to say in the parliament the Voice will not make representations on Australia Day and she ruled out other matters that we questioned her on as well,” Ms Ley told reporters in Canberra on Wednesday.

“She’s now being contradicted by experts, including those on the ‘yes’ campaign and her own referendum working group – they’ve taken a completely different position.”

Ms Ley said voters wanted answers from the government ahead of the referendum, which is due to be held between October and December.

“We’re not asking them for the same political motives that I detect in the government – we’re asking them on behalf of the Australian people.”

Independent senator Lidia Thorpe, a proponent of the “no” case, said the Voice should have the power to advise on any topic if the referendum was successful.

“There should be no limits,” she told AAP.

“What the minister has come out with is clearly an indication of how powerless this Voice really is.

“They’re already coming out and undermining this person or the group of people on what they can and can’t do.”

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese told the Ten Network on Tuesday he expected the Voice to offer advice on “practical issues of education, health, housing (and) incarceration rates”.

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3 Responses to Minister must clarify Voice role: Liberals

David says: 22 June 2023 at 8:38 am

It looks like the Voice support is wavering and this can be attributed to the more people find out the less they like, especially if they find out they cannot get any straight answers. This is a constitutional change, there is no room for current or initial priorities, everything that is possible needs to be addressed before the change is made. Labor has gone into the mode of when they don’t like the question, which means they don’t have a good answer, they attack the person asking the question. This is now so obvious it is damaging the Yes vote. There are so many inconsistencies in the Yes message. As hard as it is to agree with Hanson she is just echoing questions raised by some of the people the Voice is supposed to represent. So those people don’t deserve a response from the Prime Minister? Where is the fallback power if history repeats and there is a need to dismantle the Voice due to corrupt conduct? The whole thing is shaping up as a diversion to dealing with the real problems and we’ll have more politicians to blame each other and demand more funding for their staff. No one should be surprised if the Yes vote succeeds and nothing changes at the ground level that the majority Australian response is, you’ve got your Voice, its now your fault and don’t ask for any more money as you said it wasn’t about that. Sadly which ever way this vote goes it is likely to make Australia a more racist country.

cbrapsycho says: 26 June 2023 at 4:59 pm

@David. You makes some good points in that Labor has not handled this discussion well. It has been vague, unclear and sometimes contradictory. The No vote has been more consistent with its message and so it has achieved its goal of confusing and sowing doubt amongst those who’ve not heard the best messengers who are much more clear in the role of the voice. It’s sad that Labor has stuffed this communication up so badly, both the PM and the Minister. They just needed a clear simple straightforward message to make it work.

Thomas Mayo is perhaps the clearest communicator. You can see his website or look at the Australia Institute discussion with him & Kerry O’Brien. Really straight communication with questions answered clearly.

cbrapsycho says: 22 June 2023 at 9:50 am

It’s just an advisory body. Why are people getting so hung up on what it can advise on?

It should be able to provide advice on anything that affects the ATSI community and why is that problematic? It’s just advice, likely to help in the shaping of policy, along with all the other inputs from other voices.


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