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Nuttall gets Davis Assembly spot in countback

Incoming Greens MLA for Brindabella Laura Nuttall.

GREENS candidate Laura Nuttall will replace Johnathan Davis in the ACT Legislative Assembly.

Davis resigned suddenly from the ACT Greens Party and the Assembly on November 12 following the revelation of misconduct claims that related to an alleged sexual relationship with a 17-year-old male. In the ACT, the age of consent is 16; engaging in sexual intercourse with a 17-year-old is not illegal.

A Greens candidate for Brindabella, Nuttall received a majority of preferences after Davis’ votes were distributed by computer count by the ACT Electoral Commission on Monday afternoon.

“Having grown up in Richardson, I’m really excited to represent the people of Tuggeranong,” said Ms  Nuttall.

“I am passionate about environmental and economic justice and am particularly keen to be a voice for young people in our local parliament.

“As a representative for the ACT Greens I want to ensure we take real action to fix the inequality crisis that is impacting so many Canberrans. I will also be advocating for policies that help young people, like better rent controls.

“We are in a climate crisis, and it’s young people who are going to wear the consequences of the decisions we make today so it’s especially important that we have a seat at the table when those decisions are made.

“The environment is a key priority for me. If you look at the at the seat of Brindabella about one third of it is people and the rest is the Namadgi National Park. We need to look after the environment not just for the people, but for the animals and plants that are intrinsically worth protecting.

“I’m really proud to represent the people of Tuggeranong and I look forward to continuing the important work of the ACT Greens to ensure the ACT remains one of the most environmentally and socially progressive places in Australia.”

Ms Nuttall will be officially declared elected to the ACT Legislative Assembly on Tuesday by the ACT Electoral Commissioner, Mr Damian Cantwell AM CSC.

Greens’ Laura Nuttall likely, but not a certainty


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2 Responses to Nuttall gets Davis Assembly spot in countback

Palmerston's Lament says: 27 November 2023 at 4:32 pm

I am really quite intrigued as to why Rattenbury sticks to the new MLA like glue. A solid Opposition would be throwing a serious series of questions at her in the next sitting.


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