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Two award wins leave owners ‘gobsmacked’

Car Mechanical Services directors Charlie (left) and Raffy Sgroi.

The 2022 Local Business Awards saw Car Mechanical Services receive both the Outstanding Automotive Services Award and the 2022 Business of the Year, with director Raffy Sgroi saying the team were “gobsmacked” with the wins.

CAR Mechanical Services were “gobsmacked” to receive two awards at the 2022 Local Business Awards, says director, Raffy Sgroi. 

“After the Outstanding Automotive Services Award win at the 2021 Local Business Awards, we arrived at the 2022 awards night to celebrate other businesses,” she says.

“So we were gobsmacked to be called again for the Outstanding Automotive Services Award as well as the 2022 Business of the Year.

“I said to my husband, Charlie, after the gala: ‘Oh, my gosh, this is the best Christmas gift for our team!’”

“Considering what we have been through over the last two years, winning the awards was such a good feeling. 

“The team has been working very hard and the awards made up for times lost.” 

Raffy says the team celebrated the wins at a special get together with family and friends to honour the ups and downs of the last two years. 

The Car Mechanical Services team at the 2022 Local Business Awards.

When asked what makes the business stand out against competitors, Raffy attributes the honesty of the team and the quality of the service. 

“Our most common feedback is about our honesty and reliability,” says Raffy.

Charlie says they put a lot of time and effort into keeping their customers happy.

“Even when we are flat out, we bend over backwards for our loyal customers who bring uncles, aunties and friends to us; we look after customers like family.”

Charlie says he has lived in the Weston Creek area for 50 years and worked in the area for 42 years.

The business started out of the couple’s home when they were carers for Charlie’s brother with Down Syndrome. 

“The business got too big for our home, so we moved to Fisher,” says Charlie.

Charlie and Raffy have previously been “highly commended” at the Climate Choices Business Awards for their waste minimisation.

“Instead of putting all of our waste into one landfill bin, we divide everything into more bins,” says Charlie.

“It can be very expensive for us to have different people picking up our waste but it is a worthy cause”.

Raffy says: “It’s also been great to show the world that automotive services are not just black, but can be green, too!” 

“It’s not all about the dollar, it’s about leaving a better future for younger generations.” 

“The industry has struggled but we have gone from strength to strength, now working with Mount Stromlo High School to encourage students to pursue careers in automotive servicing,” says Raffy.

“Some businesses don’t want a young person who doesn’t know what they’re doing watching them work, but it’s how they learn if they like it,” says Charlie.

“That’s how I started, I learned from looking at my father repairing his own cars.

“My dad was a self-taught mechanic and I used to help him.

“I liked it and when I finished high school I went on to an apprenticeship.”

Car Mechanical Services, 82 Kalgoorlie Crescent, Fisher. Call 6162 4111 or visit

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