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Thursday, March 13, 2025 | Digital Edition | Crossword & Sudoku

Two high-range drink-drivers caught

AN on-bail Macgregor man, 44, has been caught drunk-driving for the 11th time, with a licence that has been disqualified four times.

At 3.50am on Tuesday, the man was seen driving through Nicholls with a deflated rear tyre.

When he stopped, police saw two passengers on the passenger seat, one on the other’s lap, and neither wearing a seatbelt.

The Macgregor man did a roadside breath test which returned a positive result for alcohol.

A later breath analysis of the man at Gungahlin station returned a blood alcohol concentration reading of 0.141.

He will face court charged with drink-driving, disqualified driving, and two counts of having a passenger over 16 not wearing a seatbelt.

At 10.10pm on Monday, police attended a house in Lyneham after receiving a report of a collision.

A Kia Rio was stopped on the driveway, with its bonnet touching another vehicle.

The driver of the Kia, a 24-year-old man, gave a positive roadside breath test result and was taken to City Police Station to undergo a further breath analysis test.

He recorded a blood alcohol concentration reading of 0.280, nearly six times the legal 0.05 limit.

He was issued an immediate suspension notice, suspending his licence for 90 days in the ACT, and will face court charged with high-range drink-driving.

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