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When hand-sitters let things get out of control

Rabbits running amok on City Hill. Photo: Michael Moore

“The trees are being methodically undermined. Action was needed months ago. It seems the government has been sitting on its hands, fiddling around while the Roman Cypresses are destroyed,” writes political columnist MICHAEL MOORE. 

The plague of rabbits on City Hill is illustrative of the current problem with ACT politics. When procrastination has been the standard way of operating problems are exacerbated.

Michael Moore.

The number of rabbits on City Hill is staggering. The infestation has been obvious to anyone driving around Vernon Circuit for months. The rabbits have burrowed under the mature cypresses.

The ACT government’s own website argues City Hill “is central to the original design of Canberra and features formal tree plantings from the 1920s”, adding it is “a symbolic representation as the heart of the national capital”. The same site points out “plantings from the 1920s including double staggered rows of closely spaced Roman Cypresses (Cupressus sempervirens Stricta)”.

The trees are being methodically undermined. Action was needed months ago. It seems the government has been sitting on its hands, fiddling around while the Roman Cypresses are destroyed.

Rabbits have been out of control around the northside of the lake for years. It took a little longer than forever for the National Capital Authority to recognise the problem. Now the rabbits have spread to suburbs and to City Hill.

Burrows under the City Hill trees. Photo: Michael Moore

Letting things get out of control before taking appropriate action is endemic in politics. Gambling advertising in sport is out of control and federal governments have delayed and delayed. 

A few days ago Liberal Senator Sarah Henderson introduced an overdue bill, on behalf of the opposition, to restrict such advertising. 

Senator Carol Brown, on behalf of the government, responded by saying that the Broadcasting Services Amendment (Ban on Advertisements During Live Sports Bill 2023) was inadequate. She drew attention to the extensive terms of reference of the investigation being carried out by a House of Representatives Standing Committee on Social Policy and Legal Affairs that has yet to report.

The gambling industry has manoeuvred very effectively to retain this type of advertising by handing a percentage of the monies raised through sports betting to go directly to supporting major sports. They now have many clubs and the major leagues supporting their struggle to retain such pervasive and inappropriate advertising.

Inquiry chair Peta Murphy MP has been meticulous in seeking out community (and industry) input along with that of the states and territories. 

Senator Brown explained that the approach must be “comprehensive”, and it must be “evidence based”. She said that the Coalition’s bill is inadequate as it is “only focused on radio, TV and live streaming and is limited to live sport”.  

There is much more to be taken into account. One of the considerations ought to be how much more harm is done if action is not taken as soon as possible. 

There are other pressing issues. Alcohol advertising is one. Of immediate interest is junk food advertising to children. This ought to be considered alongside gambling advertising. Recent research shows three quarters of Australians support a blanket ban on targeting kids online with these unhealthy food advertisements.

Independent MP and former GP, Dr Sophie Scamps has introduced a bill to severely restrict such online advertising along with television and radio. There are already government-sanctioned definitions that include sugar-sweetened drinks, confectionary and unhealthy fast-food meals.

In 2009, the now defunct Australian National Preventive Health Agency recommended such restrictions. It is way past time for action on junk-food advertising for children.

Will governments be caught sitting on their hands regarding artificial intelligence? The penalties for not providing a legal and regulatory framework around artificial intelligence as soon as possible just might be catastrophic.  

Prevention is better than cure. There would be so much less harm done if politicians would act rather than rabbiting on before problems become endemic.

Michael Moore is a former member of the ACT Legislative Assembly and an independent minister for health. He has been a political columnist with “CityNews” since 2006.


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Ian Meikle, editor

Michael Moore

Michael Moore

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3 Responses to When hand-sitters let things get out of control

Palmerston's Ethics says: 27 June 2023 at 7:57 am

Hmmm, a plague of rabbits is bad. A plague of roos is good.

As a question of morality and ethics, it is relevant given the culls going on in the Territory’s Nature Reserves at the moment. One has engendered a fierce and emotional response and the other … nothing. Yet they are related, and there are cross over issues of policy, preservation and public good.

To complicate the issue further, one eats native flora species and creates a mono-culture in the Reserves but is not visible to the general public, the other is eating introduced flora in a high public flow area. Do these two wrongs therefore make it right?

Socrates would enjoy this one immensely.

john says: 27 June 2023 at 8:45 am

It’s much easier to redevelop/sell an eyesore than a nice green space.

Perhaps they know exactly what they are doing to City Hill?

Anna says: 29 June 2023 at 9:57 pm

Hmm, we always refer to Vernon Circle as “Vermin Circle” at our place, due to all the rabbits living on City Hill. Didn’t realise the rabbits were doing so much damage, though. What a shame.


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