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Satire lost to horror as the Little Shop disappoints

Left, Audrey II the plant. Photo: Janelle McMenamin

Musical Theatre / The Little Shop of Horrors, directed by Marty King. At the Gungahlin Theatre, until October 26. Reviewed by LEN POWER.

A musical about a nerdy florist shop worker who raises a plant that becomes a man-eater, sounds like an unlikely choice for a musical, but this show has been an international success ever since opening off-Broadway in 1982.

Loosely based on a 1960 low-budget black comedy film, The Little Shop of Horrors, Alan Menken’s music in early ’60s rock ‘n’ roll, doo-wop and early Motown style is matched with Howard Ashman’s clever book and lyrics to provide a show that satirises everything about that era.

This new production, directed by Marty King for Dramatic Productions, seems more interested in pushing the modern-day horror potential of the show rather than playing it for the satire inherent in the book, music and lyrics. It’s a dangerous step to take.

The prologue song that opens the show and sets the scene is sung by a girl trio, Crystal, Ronette and Chiffon. They become a type of Greek chorus throughout the show and should perform as a satire of doo-wop groups. In this show, the girls all sing well enough individually but there is no attempt to re-create that style.

The rest of the production plays out with no regard to the period it is supposed to be set in. It cannot be ignored as there are constant references in the lyrics about that period, amongst them Hedy Lamarr, Father Knows Best, Donna Reed, the Jack Paar Show and I Love Lucy.

Alexander Unikowski as Seymour Krelborn, the florist shop worker, sings well but gives his character of a nervous nerd a surface performance that needed more depth. Sarah Copley as Audrey, Seymour’s co-worker, fares better with her character and her song, Somewhere That’s Green, is nicely sung.

Samara Marinelli sang strongly and effectively as the voice of the plant, Audrey II. Tim Stiles, as Mr Mushnik the florist shop owner, gave a good performance of the song, Mushnik and Son.

The wobbly set, designed by John Nicholls, seemed to have problems on opening night and needed more creative interest. The choreography by Laurenzy Chapman showed little understanding of the type of show and the man-eating plant by puppet designer, Alex Rogers, looked fine but its operation was a bit clunky.

The sound was much too loud and unbalanced, making it difficult to understand the lyrics. The opening number of the second act, Call Back in the Morning, was particularly unintelligible. The music was well-played by the orchestra, directed by Kat Tang.

The director’s choice to ignore the satire in this show resulted in the cast playing too broadly to try and make the script funny. Little Shop of Horrors can be a delightfully funny show, but this production was a disappointment.


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6 Responses to Satire lost to horror as the Little Shop disappoints

Kyle says: 12 October 2024 at 8:23 pm

It’s disappointing that this review wasn’t based on the show the reviewer saw and the choices/direction within; instead, in this case, the review is based on what the reviewer thought the show should be and how it has traditionally been presented.

The reviewer recognised the director’s intention yet chose to ignore that fact and rant about how it isn’t how it’s traditionally presented.

Kyle says: 13 October 2024 at 8:08 pm

Please note this comment was edited by citynews and is not how it was originally posted.

EDITOR’S NOTE: Please note Kyle’s comment was abusive of the reviewer and bordering on being defamatory. I reserve the right to save Kyle from himself and CityNews from legal action.

Belinda says: 13 October 2024 at 10:12 am

I attended opening night and thoroughly enjoyed it. It was funny, sweet, had some great tunes performed brilliantly, as well as a bit of comic horror which was so much fun.
The reviewer seems stuck on the original 60s setting but it was clearly re-imagined in a more 80s style.
Alexander Unikowski was a wonderful Seymour. His acting was perfection and I was rooting for the sweet nerdy character from the beginning. Sarah Copley as Audrey was just delightful. In fact all of the performances clearly showcased some of Canberra’s amazing talents.
And a shout-out must go out to the puppetry! Wow! I still can’t work out how the first ‘baby Audrey 2’ plant was animated but it was very effective.
This was the first time I have been to a Dramatic Productions show but I’ll definitely be going back.

Mark Maconachie says: 13 October 2024 at 10:13 am

I saw it on Broadway three months ago and in gungahlin on Saturday night. It is a fantastic production. If you like the movie, you’ll love it. This reviewer disappoints.

Kavana says: 13 October 2024 at 12:00 pm

This review by Len Power is truly disappointing. Instead of appreciating the unique direction and fresh take of the local production, the review seems overly obsessed on comparing it to older versions, missing the opportunity to approach it with an open mind. Community theatre thrives on new perspectives and creativity, which should be encouraged, not unfairly criticised. CityNews needs journalists who can offer more balanced feedback, especially for productions that nurture local talent and community spirit. Community deserves better from CityNews.

Editor’s note: Mr Power is a skilled and experienced theatre and music reviewer. In the context of critiquing performances his opinion is encouraged. He is not a journalist, nor is reviewing a journalistic endeavour. Arts editor Helen Music, as a journalist, offered a balanced preview here:

Jane says: 13 October 2024 at 4:35 pm

Like the other commenters here I was also at the opening night. ‘The Little Shop Of Horrors’ is one of my favourite musicals and I have seen multiple live productions of the show. As Mr Power states, the show did not follow the original 60s script. But so what? This Dramatic Productions production was fantastic. The cast were magnificent and so well cast in their roles. Their singing was tight and their harmonies were excellently executed. I enjoyed this new and fresh approach to the show.

If I was wedded to watching a ‘doo wap’ production I could have sat at home and watched the movie. The point of attending live theatre is to gain a new and at times new and challenging experience, though to be honest, I just enjoyed this show immensely for what it was – great fun during a great night out.

I make a point of attending all Dramatic Productions offerings since I discovered them several years ago and they never disappoint.

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