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Sunday, September 22, 2024 | Digital Edition | Crossword & Sudoku

Gungahlin’s outdoor gym finalised

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MEEGAN Fitzharris has announced a new fitness station at Yerrabi Pond District Park.

“In a community consultation in July/August 2015, 88 residents helped to design the new northside fitness station,” Meegan said.

“The design has now been finalised and the Gungahlin outdoor gym will feature a sit up bench, seated rower, leg press, chest press, leg raise and dip bars, and an assisted pull up machine.

“Yerrabi Pond is a much loved park by the local community and this fitness equipment will be a great addition.

“This equipment will allow people to undertake their preferred exercises which were identified as stretching (65%), body pull ups and push ups (64%), tricep dips (58%), sit ups (56%), rowing (53%) and pull ups and leg raises (53%).

“The site was also selected by the community, with the fitness station to be located in the large open space to the north of the play equipment.

“Construction on the new Gungahlin fitness station is expected to commence in March 2016 and works will be undertaken by The Great Outdoor Gym Company which has delivered outdoor gyms across Australia and the world.

“The ACT Government is investing $120,000 in the project as part of the Healthy Weight Initiative which aims to support Canberrans making healthy choices and leading healthy, active lives.

To view the location of the new outdoor fitness station in Yerribi Pond District Park, visit

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