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Monday, September 23, 2024 | Digital Edition | Crossword & Sudoku

Radio stations back on Black Mountain

L-R, David Lee from 1Way FM, Lieta Sauiluma-Dugga from 1CMS and Amalijah Thompson from ArtSound FM.

AFTER a recent agreement with Broadcast Australia, three local community radio stations have relocated their FM transmitter site to Black Mountain.

The project coincides with the advent of digital radio services in Canberra, expected to launch later in the year and the expectation is that listeners will get substantially upgraded reception as the three stations, ArtSound FM, 1CMS and 1WAY FM,  share use of the antenna on Telstra Tower, also used by the ABC.

The stations were originally located at Black Mountain but were forced to abandon the site in 2015 for a site in the Kowen Forest because of the deterioration of the smaller antenna that was in use at that time.

ArtSound president, Amalijah Thompson praised Broadcast Australia and the volunteers who helped make the relocation possible, but noted that the improvements had not come cheaply.

“The current economic environment and challenges faced generally by non-profit media in garnering sufficient sponsorship and donors, means that direct listener support for our independent community service is vital and always very welcome”, she said.

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Ian Meikle, editor

Helen Musa

Helen Musa

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