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Sunday, September 22, 2024 | Digital Edition | Crossword & Sudoku

NYE fireworks cancelled following total fire ban

No fireworks in Civic this New Year’s Eve.

THE two firework shows in Civic on New Year’s Eve (Tuesday, December 31) have been abandoned following a further total fire ban on December 30-31.

And with the high temperatures and continuing smoke haze, there is a question mark over the staging of the musical performances.

Events ACT executive branch manager Jo Verden says: “It’s disappointing that we can’t bring the fireworks to Canberra this year but safety of the public remains a priority for providing a fun and safe event.

“Events ACT is continuing to monitor weather conditions and smoke haze to determine if the other planned activities and live music performances can proceed without the fireworks.”

This afternoon (December 29), ACT Emergency Services Commissioner Georgeina Whelan declared a total fire ban for Monday, December 30, and and Tuesday, December 31.

“The fire danger rating for this period is predicted to be ‘severe’. This means if a fire starts it will be difficult to control and will spread quickly,” she said.

“The ACT is well resourced and the current deployments to support NSW do not impact the level of fire protection to Canberra and the surrounding regions.”

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