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Sunday, September 22, 2024 | Digital Edition | Crossword & Sudoku

Artsday / Even sculptures need virus protection!

“A Delicate Moment” by sculptors Suzie Bleach and Andrew Townsend.

SUZIE Bleach and Andrew Townsend’s sculpture, “A Delicate Moment”, which was launched last year and is part of the ACT public art collection, is being kept safe by caring locals at the Hughes Shopping Centre, as the picture shows.

RUNNING until mid-July, Canberra Youth Theatre’s young playwrights program is a new initiative for 16-25 year olds who are passionate about developing their skills in playwriting. Participants will work with two of Australia’s leading playwrights, Mary Rachel Brown and Tommy Murphy, originally from Canberra and Queanbeyan. The workshop is part of CYT’s Emerging Artist Program, and is supported by the Seaborn, Broughton & Walford Foundation. Details at

“Alight #1”, by Robyn Campbell, left, and “Stillness Votive Vessels” by Sam Gold, right. Photo: Sam Roberts

CRAFT ACT now has two new online exhibitions celebrating the power of collaboration and exchange during uncertain times. “A Common Thread” by emerging makers Sam Gold (SA) and Harriet McKay (ACT) is a multidisciplinary collaboration encompassing textile painting, ceramic sculpture and installation, while “Transference” is a collaborative exhibition by ceramic and glass artist Robyn Campbell (ACT) and ceramicist Jo Victoria (NSW). Both at until June 27.

A work by David Hinchliffe.

AARWUN Gallery at 11 Federation Square, Gold Creek, Nicholls, has “artist of light”, David Hinchliffe in the gallery physically from 11am-4pm, Saturday and Sunday, May 16 and 17 – but note COVID-19 self-distancing will still apply.



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