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Zoo welcomes new leopard cubs

Photo: Nick Overall.

MEET Asanka and Chatura, the first Sri Lankan Leopard cubs bred in Australia who are making themselves at home at the National Zoo and Aquarium.

Asanka, meaning brave, and Chatura, meaning clever, were born on christmas eve last year and have spent their early months cuddled up in their dens.

But now growing quicker by the day, the brothers are spending more time exploring their enclosure.

National Zoo and Aquarium senior wildlife keeper Katie Ness. Photo: Nick Overall.

“They were a wonderful Christmas present for us,” said National Zoo and Aquarium senior wildlife keeper Katie Ness.

“We’re the only ones in Australia that hold Sri Lankan Leopards and we’re the very first in Australia to breed them so it’s been super exciting for us.”

Katie says they hadn’t announced the arrival of the cubs earlier because they wanted them to be more reliably visible for those making a trip to the zoo.

“Like any leopard they are an elusive animal so you’ll have to look quite closely to spot them in their enclosure,” she says.

Dad Ankesh watches over one of the cubs. Photo: Nick Overall.

Now more confident and playful, Katie says the cubs will spend most of the day out in their yard under the watchful eye of mum Yakalla and dad Ankesh.

“Despite the Sri Lankan Leopard being the apex predator of its environment, the survival of the species is threatened due to poaching, habitat loss and persecution,” said Katie.

“There’s less than 900 currently out in the wild and there’s less than 80 in captivity.

“We’re hoping the Canberra community will get out to see the boys.”

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Ian Meikle, editor

Nick Overall

Nick Overall

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