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Friday, September 20, 2024 | Digital Edition | Crossword & Sudoku

Two AMC detainees face arson charges

TWO detainees held on remand at the Alexander Maconochie Centre in May allegedly caused “extensive damage” to the prison in an incident that lasted several hours. 

On Wednesday, May 12, police, firefighters and paramedics responded to a report of detainees causing a disturbance within a remand unit at the prison.

“CityNews” previously reported on the incident after receiving information from inside the prison that alleged that a prison riot of male inmates was underway.

The sources describe the riot as “serious” and involving up to 30 inmates.

Police have since charged two 23-year-old detainees with arson, obstructing a territory official, property damage and affray.

One of the men will face the ACT Magistrates Court today (August 10) and the other will face the ACT Magistrates Court on August 24.

‘Serious’ riot underway at the prison

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