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Climate protestors graffiti Parliament House

POLICE have arrested eight protestors this morning (August 10) after they were caught spray painting graffiti onto walls and glueing themselves to the ground at Parliament House and The Lodge. 

The protestors are part of the movement, Extinction Rebellion, which has led multiple rallies in the ACT in the past fortnight.

The activists demanded that Minister Ley drop her appeal in the Federal Court, which had ruled in mid-July that she has a “duty of care” to protect young people from the impacts of greenhouse gas emissions.

At about 8.50am police responded to reports of protest activity at Parliament House followed by reports of further protests at The Lodge at about 9.20am.

At both locations, police say protesters had spray-painted graffiti onto walls. At Parliament House people had glued themselves to the forecourt, where a pram was also set alight.

One of the protestors, Lesley Mosbey, 59, said: “The government’s criminal climate-policy inaction would see my grandchildren incinerated.

“We intentionally damaged this building in retaliation against the government which causes intentional damage to our entire world and to the lives of current and future generations.”

Another protestor, Violet Coco, 30, the protestor behind the burning of the pram, said: “I would love nothing more than to be a mother – but I can’t in all conscience bring a child into the world to face hell-on-earth.”

AFP Search and Rescue personnel attended to assist in removing the people who had glued themselves to the ground.

Five people – three men and two women – were arrested at Parliament House and three men were arrested at The Lodge.

Police expect to lay charges including a Commonwealth charge under the Public Order (Protection of Persons and Property) Act 1971 of causing damage to property, and breach of bail conditions.

Anyone that has information that can assist police regarding planned protest activity is urged to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333000, or via the Crime Stoppers ACT website

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2 Responses to Climate protestors graffiti Parliament House

Alan Jeffrey Wilson says: 23 August 2021 at 1:39 pm

Hydrogen and solar is not that hard and AU could be back in the manufacturing world if we some looking back instead of forward.
We are the worlds best customer we manufacture little. We have two weeks of goods (foods tyres, oils and fuel reserves as long as the sea routes remain open. So be a fossil


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