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Explainer: Lockdown extension and minor changes

Chief Minister Andrew Barr.

CANBERRA’S lockdown will be extended until midnight September 17 with some minor changes.  

ACT Chief Minister Andrew Barr made the announcement at the daily media conference today (August 31) where he confirmed another 13 covid cases in the past 24 hours. There are now 242 active cases in the ACT.

Seven are linked to current exposure sites or identified close contacts and six are under investigation. 

Only four of today’s cases were in quarantine during their entire infectious period. At least eight were in the community and the remaining case is still under investigation. 

“We still have unlinked cases in the community and we still have cases that are infectious in the community,” Mr Barr said when giving a reason as to why the lockdown has been extended. 

“We are asking Canberrans to stay at home and to minimise contact with others outside of your household to reduce the transmission potential of the virus.”

As part of the extended lockdown, the ACT chief health officer, Dr Kerryn Coleman, has assessed the situation and recommended some minor changes to the public health directions to commence from 5pm, September 2.

Mr Barr said this includes:

  • one household (any size) or up to 5 people can gather outdoors for up to 2 hours for exercise or non-organised recreation.
  • outdoor playgrounds, fitness stations and dog parks will reopen. Canberrans are asked to ensure that they maintain physical distancing wherever practicable.
  • the number of people able to attend a funeral increased to no more than 20 people (excluding the people necessary to conduct the funeral).
  • the number of people able to attend a wedding increased to no more than 10 attendees (excluding the celebrant, but including persons being married and two witnesses).
  • other religious ceremonies which are time critical are permitted to go ahead with no more than 10 people (excluding those conducting the service).
  • the recommencement of services that operate outdoors and where physical distancing can be maintained, such as outdoor maintenance and gardening and dog grooming services.

In relation to the construction sector, Mr Barr said the partial reopening of the construction sector that was outlined last week will commence under covid-safe requirements this Friday.

He said work is being done to allow the residential construction sector to recommence from September 10, subject to the public health situation between now and then.

Reflecting the extension of the lockdown, the ACT and Commonwealth government ACT COVID-19 Business Support Grants and disaster grants will be extended until September 17.

“We have again worked with the Commonwealth Treasurer’s office to increase the COVID-19 Business Support Grants scheme to a maximum of $20,000 for employing businesses and $7500 for non-employing eligible businesses,” he said.

“More than 3200 local businesses have already submitted an application for the scheme, which will be administered by the ACT government.

“The Commonwealth Treasurer’s office has also confirmed that Canberrans who have lost income during the lockdown can continue to access the COVID-19 Disaster Payment through Services Australia during the lockdown period.”

For schools, he said online learning will continue for the remainder of term 3. 

“Term 4 arrangements will be based on the advice of the chief health officer and will be communicated with the community during the first week of the school holidays,” he said.

There are now 13 people in hospital with COVID-19 and three remain in intensive care. 

Yesterday, 3061 tests were done in the ACT. 

“We need the testing numbers to stay above 3000 in order to have effective surveillance on where the virus is in the community,” said Mr Barr.

“I encourage anyone with any covid symptoms to come forward and get tested.” 

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Ian Meikle, editor

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One Response to Explainer: Lockdown extension and minor changes

Kitty Tsui says: 31 August 2021 at 1:16 pm

I can’t see why schools can’t be reopened for children of fully vaccinated parents, as long as children wear masks. They do it in Singapore and Hong Kong, no reason we can’t do it here.


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