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Warrigal tops the nation with aged-care award

Warrigal CEO Mark Sewell… “Truly honoured.”

AGED-care provider Warrigal has been awarded national recognition by being named Aged Care Provider of the Year.

The award, presented at the Aged and Community Services Australia Awards ceremony yesterday (December 7), recognises outstanding leadership, management, workforce culture, innovation, communication and excellence in the sector.

It was awarded online to Warrigal amongst other aged-care providers from across all other states and territories. 

Warrigal CEO Mark Sewell said winning the award was a wonderful way to finish the year for Warrigal, after a string of award successes for the organisation. 

“We are truly honoured to be named the National Aged Care Provider of the Year and this, along with our several other recent award wins, champion the great staff and workplace culture we have here at Warrigal,” he said. 

Entrance to the Warrigal Stirling aged-care home.

Warrigal won the NSW/ACT State Provider of the Year award in October, and has now gone on to win the national award. It was also recognised in November at the IMB Bank Illawarra Business Awards with the  Outstanding Community Organisation award, and being named joint-winners for the Excellence in Workplace Culture award. 

“Our intentional workplace culture – The Warrigal Way – can certainly be credited for our success during a particularly challenging year as we continued to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Mark. 

“It has been a tough year for our staff, particularly our frontline staff, who go to work every day with masks on and continue to care for older people, keeping them safe and cared for while we reach our vision that they will live great lives.” 

He said Warrigal was proud to highlight the work of its 1500 staff and more than 350 volunteers, who had continued to work together tirelessly to reach positive outcomes for the residents and customers who used Warrigal’s services. 

“Our positive workplace culture is a part of our organisational DNA, and is led by the incredible contributions from our volunteers,” Mark said.

“Warrigal was founded by volunteers, and it is volunteers who continue to govern us right up to our board of directors. We thank all of the incredible people who contribute to making Warrigal what it is, and share this achievement of recognition at a national level with them.”  

He said Warrigal was looking forward to celebrating its year of achievement with its staff, volunteers, residents, customers and community, particularly after a challenging year of working through the COVID pandemic.

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