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Sunday, September 22, 2024 | Digital Edition | Crossword & Sudoku

ACT speeding offences fall by nearly half

THERE were 3375 speeding offences detected by police last year, nearly half of the 6317 offences in 2020 and just over 36 per cent of the 9280 drivers booked in 2012. It is the lowest number of speeding offences in the past 10 years. 

Nevertheless, A/Sgt Aaron Murnane said today (January 4) that motorists needed to be aware of what would happen when things went wrong if they chose to speed.

“During covid, with less traffic on the roads, we saw a lot of drivers developing bad habits, including speeding. Anyone thinking that is still acceptable is wrong,” he said.

“In the past 10 years, speed was a factor in 19 deaths on Canberra’s roads. That’s more than 20 per cent of the 92 deaths since 2012. And I’m sure it’s no comfort to the families and friends of those 19 people that every one of those deaths could have been avoided.”

He said police would target speeding motorists on roads across the ACT, and would issue regular updates on the number of motorists caught speeding during January.


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