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Tuesday, September 24, 2024 | Digital Edition | Crossword & Sudoku

Extreme algae alert for Lake Tuggeranong

AN Extreme Alert Level for blue-green algae has been issued for Lake Tuggeranong. 

Blue-green algae.

As exposure to this level of blue-green algae carries an increased health risk, the water is closed to primary-contact recreation, the ACT government says.

Primary-contact recreation is whole-body water contact or submersion of the head, for example swimming, diving, water-skiing and windsurfing.

Secondary-contact recreation (such as rowing, fishing, boating and canoeing) is still be permitted, however the government says people should not engage in secondary-contact recreation unless:

  • they are experienced;
  • they are informed of the algae risks and what to do if contact occurs;
  • they do not engage in primary contact during the recreation; and
  • shower facilities, with suitable water, are available for washing after the recreation.

In particular, contact with algal scum should be avoided. Any clothing that has been in the water should be washed to remove blue-green algae residue.

Pet owners should not allow their animals to swim in or drink the water, as blue-green algae can make pets very ill or even result in death.

Anyone concerned about possible symptoms of blue-green algae exposure following water exposure should contact their GP.


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Ian Meikle, editor

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