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Sunday, September 22, 2024 | Digital Edition | Crossword & Sudoku

Artsday / Small ceramics for a small gallery

Grace Brown with her small ceramics.

Another day, another “Artsday” column from HELEN MUSA.

GALLERY of Small Things is hosting its first solo show by Melbourne ceramicist Grace Brown, who has created smaller works especially for the gallery. Brown was the ceramics prize winner of the Little Things Art Prize held in Sydney in 2019. “Home” is open at 27 Wade Street, Watson and online here  from 11am, Friday, February 18 until March 6.

THE Park Avenue Band will perform soul, pop and soft rock hits from the ’60s until now at the Artists Shed, 1-3/88 Wollongong Street, Fyshwick, in what is described as “an evening of artistic and musical decadence,” 7pm-10pm, Friday, February 18. Bookings here

Damon Kowarsky, “The Wanderer” 2020, Etching and aquatint from two copper plates.

DAMON Kowarsky’s exhibition “Travelling Without Moving’” is now show at Megalo Print, 21 Wentworth Avenue. Kingston, until March 19. Kowarsky’s show is a journey, not overseas, but into the depths of his personal archive.






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Ian Meikle, editor

Helen Musa

Helen Musa

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