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Sunday, September 22, 2024 | Digital Edition | Crossword & Sudoku

Castley calls for health plan for men

THE  wellbeing of men and boys is the focus of a Liberal motion to the Legislative Assembly today (November 23).

Liberal Leanne Castley.

Opposition health spokesperson Leanne Castley will call on the government to develop a public health awareness campaign to address the social circumstances that prevent men from accessing health care when they need it.

“Four out of five premature cardiac deaths that occur in the ACT are men,” says Castley.

“Data also shows that men in the ACT are disproportionately affected by bowel disease and lung cancer, accounting for two out of every three premature deaths.

“The Labor-Greens government has released important strategies to improve equity and access of health services for women and LGBTIQ+ groups. It is important for the government to continue this work and develop a parallel strategy for men’s health.”

CEO of Australia Men’s Health Forum Glen Poole says: “We fully support the call for a Men’s Health Plan in the ACT.

“Issues like preventing male suicide, tackling higher rates of premature death for men and ensuring easy access to male-friendly services with a targeted approach.

“We’d welcome cross-party support for the proposal to develop a Men’s Health Plan and would like to see the ACT government working in partnership with local men’s organisations to improve the lives and health of men and boys in the Canberra region.”

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