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Sunday, September 22, 2024 | Digital Edition | Crossword & Sudoku

Man caught drink-driving twice in three hours

A 22-year-old Ngunnawal man – who, police say, was in the driver’s seat but claims he was not driving – was caught drink-driving twice in a little more than three hours.

On Saturday (December 10) at about 2.05am police saw a black BMW323i accelerate away from them, on Gundaroo Drive, Nicholls.

The BMW is reported to have changed lanes several times without indicating, and finally stopped in a car park near Gungahlin Drive.

Police say the man, who was in the driver’s seat, claimed he was not driving and initially refused to provide police with his details.

Police checks revealed the man’s licence was suspended in March, meaning he was subject to a zero blood alcohol content (BAC) limit, and that he was also the subject of a good behaviour order.

A breath test at Gungahlin Police Station revealed a positive BAC of 0.135.

He was issued an Immediate Suspension Notice, suspending his licence for 90 days.

At about 5.10am, police saw the same black BMW turn from Gundaroo Drive into Gungahlin Drive without indicating. Stopped in Ngunnawal, the man returned another positive BAC of 0.081 at the Gungahlin Police Station.

He has been charged with two counts of drink driving, aggravated reckless driving, failing to comply with police to produce personal information, driving while suspended and breach of a good behaviour order.

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