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Review of the ACT’s Integrity Commission Act 2018

Former CEO of the Australian Government Solicitor, Ian Govey will lead the ACT’s Integrity Commission Act 2018 review

AS the ACT’s Integrity Commission (ACTIC) has now been operating for three years, the Integrity Commission Act 2018 ACT requires a formal review of the ACTIC legislation.

The ACTIC is the territory’s public sector anti-corruption agency, which forms part of a broader ACT government integrity program designed to deter and combat corrupt conduct in public administration.

Former CEO of the Australian Government Solicitor, Mr Ian Govey, will lead the review, bringing “a wealth of public sector legal expertise and insight,” to ensure “the ACTIC ACT is thoroughly reviewed and remains fit for purpose.”

The review will examine a range of matters including changes proposed by the Integrity Commission in its annual reports since 2019.

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