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Small business hails Castley elevation

LEANNE Castley’s election to deputy leader of the Canberra Liberals has been welcomed by some sections of the small-business community.

Deputy Liberal leader Leanne Castley.

“Leanne Castley has been a tireless advocate for the local small business community and their staff,” Braddon’s United Retailers & Traders (BURT) spokesperson Kel Watt said.

“Leanne Castley has been proactive in reaching out to business owners. She has ensured she is fighting for the things that matter to each sector of the economy to grow business and employment opportunities.”

Phillip Business Community president Tom Adam said Castley had proven herself to be a strong ally for business owners and their teams.

“While we wait the reshuffle, Leanne Castley’s experience and advocacy for small businesses
over the last three years means we are confident that opportunities for the private sector will
remain a priority, even if the torch is handed to someone else,” Tom Adam said.

“The small-business sector was hit incredibly hard in the ACT during COVID-19 restrictions and
is yet to fully recover. In fact, the government’s own data shows Canberra small businesses
are shutting down at a faster and worse rate than anywhere else in Australia.

“While blame for initial pandemic responses cannot be attributed fairly on any government or

political party, there is no doubt the Barr government’s recovery response has been slow and

Kel Watt said: “While Small Business Minister Tara Cheyne has also shown great enthusiasm for supporting our community, interference and indifference from Chief Minister Andrew Barr has business owners and their staff frustrated that many positive opportunities have fallen by the wayside.

“Sadly, Andrew Barr treats small business owners as a de facto opposition, rather than as the
single biggest contributor to employment in Canberra.

“Instead of being chastised at his media conferences, we should be embraced by him as the
ACT’s greatest opportunity to grow the economy and jobs, to help get the ACT out of its debt

More Liberal disarray as party dumps Hanson

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Ian Meikle, editor

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One Response to Small business hails Castley elevation

Joseph says: 4 December 2023 at 3:58 pm

I just think it’s great that she’s not another Catholic zealot. Moderate or otherwise is irrelevant. The ACT liberals have historically been all the same boring cardboard cutouts cutting through to nobody. It’s refreshing to see someone who has come from public schools too.


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