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Wednesday, September 25, 2024 | Digital Edition | Crossword & Sudoku

Stolen cars crash, driver steals the other car!

Two stolen vehicles collided on Kingsford Smith Drive, Latham, at about 5.55am on Tuesday. Stranger still, the driver of one of the cars, a red Subaru station wagon, fled the scene in the other car, a blue Porsche Macan, before police could get there.

Both vehicles were reported as stolen to police, who fielded numerous calls reporting the Porsche as being driven dangerously and at high speeds across the south of Canberra.

Police say they found the Porsche, unoccupied, at about 8.35am, in Chisholm.

Police want to speak to anyone who saw either the Subaru or Porsche being driven dangerously between 5.20am and 8.35am or who may have dash-cam footage of the vehicles.

Call 1800 333000, or via the Crime Stoppers ACT website


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