A NEW program teaching migrants and refugees how to drive was launched in the Capital today by Minister for Multicultural Affairs, Joy Burch.

“Already 90 people have asked to be involved in the program in order to obtain their drivers licence, giving them more freedom and confidence,” says Ms Burch.
The initiative, which has been six months in the making, has been recognised and initially funded by the ACT government.
The establishment of the MARSS program began with a search for driving instructor candidates within the migrant and refugee community.
“We have the car and we also have three highly-motivated Sudanese men who are now fully qualified instructors that began giving driving lessons this week.”
According to the Multicultural Affairs Minister, regular driving lessons can cost up to $90 per lesson, but under the new MARSS program, participants will only pay $30 per lesson. The lessons can also include interpreting services if needed.
“Learning to drive can often be an expensive process, and especially costly for people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds in our community who are on low incomes,” says the Minister.
“For many, they simply can’t afford to learn to drive. Which, in turn, means for many employment opportunities are often restricted and the threat of social and economic isolation can be overwhelming.”
Ms. Burch hopes the MARSS ‘Learn to Drive’ program will help some of the most vulnerable communities in our city.
By April Dudgeon
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