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Monday, September 23, 2024 | Digital Edition | Crossword & Sudoku

Canberra charities leading the nation in reporting to the regulator


420 charities from the ACT have successfully met their annual reporting obligations to the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC), leaving 160 overdue.

ACNC Commissioner, Susan Pascoe, said charities with overdue 2014 Annual Information Statements needed to take urgent action to avoid penalties.

“We will soon begin issuing warning letters to charities that have not submitted their 2014 Annual Information Statement,” Susan said.

“Submitting an Annual Information Statement is a legislative requirement and deliberate non-compliance may result in penalties.

“Submitting their 2014 Annual Information Statement will mean their entry on the publicly available national Charity Register, available at, is up to date.

“The Charity Register receives hundreds of thousands of views each year.

The ACNC will soon take action against charities that have not submitted both their 2013 and 2014 Annual Information Statements.

“Later this month we will be issuing notices of revocation to an estimated 1,500 charities that have not submitted both their 2013 and 2014 Annual Information Statements.

“Our message is clear. We are here to help charities that do the right thing, but will take action against charities that do not comply with their obligations.”

Charities that do not use a standard reporting period of 1 July to 30 June are reminded that they have six months from the end of their 2014 reporting period to submit their 2014 Annual Information Statement. Charities are advised to check their substituted accounting period is approved by viewing their charity’s entry on the Charity Register or by logging into the Charity Portal.

Charities can find further information about the 2014 Annual Information Statement at

Submissions by state

State Number of submissions Number of overdue charities
Australian Capital Territory 420 160
New South Wales 5800 2500
Northern Territory 180 100
South Australia 1300 650
Tasmania 500 250
Queensland 2700 1700
Victoria 5000 1700
Western Australia 1800 850

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