The Legislative Assembly has ordered the Labor government to publish secret data about how much each ministerial office spends on staffing, following a motion by Opposition Leader Leanne Castley.
The mysterious MR SHUSH CAPITAL, author/artist of the brilliant weekly comic strip KEEPING UP THE ACT, steps out of the shadows to complain that the local pollies are threatening his future; they're getting funnier than him!
Opposition Leader Leanne Castley's motion for an inquiry into the MyWay+ procurement process has been unanimously supported in the Legislative Assembly.
Despite cost-of-living pressures and rising house prices disproportionately impacting Australia’s youth, two-in-three young people (67.1 per cent), say they are satisfied with the direction of the country, according to a new ANU study.
Expect a week crammed full of crazy shenanigans, Geminis! And astrologer JOANNE MADELINE MOORE says Aquarians shouldn't expect close relationships to run like clockwork, either. And for Piceans? Your week in the stars is on Page 35.
"The grand-daddy waste of money of them all is the perseverance with light rail, despite the availability of much cheaper public transport options that can be delivered far quicker," says letter writer COLIN LYONS, of Weetangera.