A 48-year-old man with a blood alcohol reading six times over the legal alcohol limit was driving a Subaru Outback, mounting gutters and swerving into oncoming lanes, on Isabella Drive on Tuesday afternoon.
"Let us hope that Emerson and Carrick have the doggedness to bring light to places in Canberra where those in power intend the darkness to hide their shortcomings." HUGH SELBY writes in praise of the power of independent politicians.
What kind of country do we want to be, asks JENNY STEWART. "Are we satisfied with being a consumerist society, or would we prefer to be a leading middle power with a distinctive presence in the arts, science, technology and innovation?"
"I’m a widowed, sometimes lonely 80-year-old in the early stages of dementia – and also, apparently, a repository of untapped wealth. Many of my elderly friends are being badly mistreated by their children," writes ROSS FITZGERALD.
The owner of a tracking device attached to stolen property alerted police that it had been tracked to the vicinity of Flemington Road, Franklin, where two people were arrested.
Canberra's daily newspaper, which will mark its centenary next year, will become a weekly publication sometime within the next seven years, according to its publisher Australian Community Media.