HELEN MUSA previews a “heartfelt work” that takes Shakespeare and the asylum-seeker experience in Australia and “mashes them together to make something new”.
"Perhaps Evans sometimes aimed to create works that are, as compositions, deliberately off centre. Why are so many of the verticals not vertical?". CON BOEKEL reviews an exhibition by photographer Joyce Evans.
When Mathew Trinca's contract as director of the National Museum of Australia ends at the end of February, he'll be 60 – the new 50 – and there's no sign that he’s slowing down.
Excitement was mounting at Merici College on Monday as its Year 11 & 12 dance students put the finishing touches to their entry in the 2023 Ausdance ACT Youth Dance Festival, a contemporary work called “Trance”.
It's an open question as to whether theatre director Cate Clelland would've been helped if she'd seen the film "Lantana" before directing Andrew Bovell’s play "Speaking in Tongues", on which the movie was based, writes HELEN MUSA.
Just when you thought you'd had about as much Jane Austen as you could take, the Wharf’s scriptwriters Jonathan Biggins and Drew Forsythe have come up with "Pride in Prejudice" as the title of their satirical revue for 2023.