Who would have thought that the path to earning a "Tree City of the World" accolade was chopping down and neglecting trees. The ACT government spinners have triumphed again. It's "Seven Days" with IAN MEIKLE.
"As we face years of Civic disruption, beginning with the London Circuit realignment, don't say we weren't warned," warns IAN MEIKLE. It's "Seven Days" with another burst of crappy road signs, they are shockers.
"The opposition owes it to the community to hold the government ferociously to account. It's not that hard, they are the gift that keeps on giving." It's IAN MEIKLE's "Seven Days" with a dollop of gratuitous advice for Elizabeth Lee.
"What a disgrace – discipline has broken down, teachers have broken down but this shameless government and its incompetent Education Directorate fein shock, surprise and denial," writes "Seven Days" columnist IAN MEIKLE.
As the world turns to electric buses, we're going to lumber on with 19th century technology and years of unnecessary disruption pushing the tram on to Commonwealth Avenue come hell or high water. It's "Seven Days" with IAN MEIKLE.
There's cheers for Emma Campbell, jeers for Housing ACT and news of a long lost, inner-city camping ground (but don't tell anyone). It's "Seven Days" with IAN MEIKLE.
The groundhoggers have largely gone, but one answer for anyone still affected by the convoy protesters, according to a government minister, is... shopping! Here's another "Seven Days" with IAN MEIKLE.