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Images from the Gungahlin Drive extension bridge collapse

Photographer SILAS BROWN was on the scene this afternoon at the site of the construction bridge collapse.

The ABC is reporting nine workers were taken to hospital after a partial collapse of a new span of the bridge across the Barton Highway. One man was trapped for about 15 minutes before he was freed by firefighters.

GDE Bridge Collapse

Aftermath of the Canberra Bridge Collapse
More photos courtesy of Richard on Flickr

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8 Responses to Images from the Gungahlin Drive extension bridge collapse

Canberra CityNews says: 14 August 2010 at 11:22 am

Thanks Richard, you got a good angle from the hill.

Can we include some of your photos in our post, we will credit you of course?


Himanshu Pota says: 14 August 2010 at 11:31 pm

Thanks for putting up these pictures.

Such an important incidence, which directly effects the life of around 50,000 Canberrans, is reported one paragraph on Canberra Times website and one paragraph on ABC News website!!!

By now there should be detailed instructions from the government on what people should do come Monday morning to get out of Gungahlin for work.

All the news agencies are busy with election news which, if the truth be told, will make no difference to us. The GDE collapse of 14 Aug 2010 will perhaps end up eating hours of my time, adding to my daily commute and frustration, and yet there is no news about it.

Shame on the media and shame on the government.

Good on you.

Himanshu Pota
15 Aug 2010

Jane Taylor says: 15 August 2010 at 4:31 am

Here here Himanshu. My sentiments exactly. Everyway out of Gungahlin is single carriage way. It will be a nighmare!!!

Martin Ross says: 15 August 2010 at 5:06 am

Yet again, this is another oversight that the Stanhope government has made because every detail now needs to be explained, without making excuses up. Zed Seselja and the Canberra Liberals will see this as another opportunity to hold the government to account for wasted money, not delivering projects on time and budget etc etc etc. Come on Canberra, this is another failing that you need to add to the list of things that has gone wrong with Jon Stanhope AND his team. How much longer will you fall for their misrepresentations and "decorative persuasions?"

shane maney says: 17 August 2010 at 7:27 am

i was one of the workers on the bridge that day and just would like to say a big thanks to all emergency services that attended the site you guys are the un spoken hero's well done and thanks again the company who built the bridge is abergilde


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