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Carter / Life drains from Civic

A PICTURE in the National Library’s collection, snapped in the 1950s, shows Garema Place buzzing with life. Shoppers stop to chat, school children skip and bakeries, grocery stores and chemists do a cracking trade.

Catherine Carter
Catherine Carter.
Today, City Walk is bereft of life and liveliness. It’s a place of empty shopfronts and faded “for lease” signs. No one would choose to spend more time there than absolutely necessary.

So, how do we reclaim this as a place for people?

Last week, internationally-acclaimed Danish architect and urban planner, Jan Gehl, visited Canberra to share his thoughts on creating liveable cities.

Gehl argues that two dominant paradigms shaped the world’s cities last century: modernism and motorism. The result was isolated boxes plonked down without thought for the people who would use them. Edvard Munch’s “The Scream” embodies how this dream became everyone else’s nightmare.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. In Canberra, we often hear arguments about why we can’t create a better city centre: that our population is too small; the weather is too variable; or that we are geographically dispersed. But Gehl says all cities have their challenges.

In Copenhagen, where Prof Gehl lives, an official policy was developed to get people out of their houses and on to the streets. At the time, people argued that al fresco café culture was impossible – due to the climate and “because we are not Italian”.

But after closing down the main street and introducing café seating, “it was surprising how easily Danes can be like Italians”. Today, more than 10,000 outdoor chairs line the city streets – and Gehl says they are out “almost 12 months a year.”

Closer to home, Melbourne gets cold in winter, but urban furniture, beautiful trees, wide footpaths and bluestone paving have made walking an attractive proposition and increased the number of outdoor cafes by nearly 300 per cent over a decade.

We have a city of great suburban amenity – but now it’s time for us to turn our attention to creating more urban amenity. Gehl’s inspiring message is that “it can be done, and it is being done all over the world”.


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Ian Meikle, editor

Catherine Carter

Catherine Carter

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One Response to Carter / Life drains from Civic

C says: 11 February 2015 at 2:40 am

I think what will get Canberrans out of their houses and into public spaces is the feeling that they “own” those spaces. If they could use them for their own pursuits without having to need permits, and licenses, and having to explain themselves to police. Sure, some people might want to do things that annoy others, but at least it’s more interesting than a bare, unused space.


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