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Cedric’s garden reminds us of what’s being lost

The Bryant garden… Tragically, the pleasure experienced from roaming about such a garden is not going to be there for many future residents of Canberra. Photo: Paul Costigan

“Canberra is being reshaped by the de-greening programs of the dull and disingenuous leadership of Andrew Barr and Shane Rattenbury and their subservient Greenslabor government,” writes “Canberra Matters” columnist PAUL COSTIGAN.

UNSETTLING thoughts should not enter your head when you are admiring a beautiful garden. This happened recently.

Paul Costigan.

The garden surrounding me was the wonderful Bryant garden – the one established by Canberra’s famous gardener and “CityNews” columnist  Cedric Bryant. This garden is a reminder of things that could be.

The visit about a fortnight ago was about seeing his garden one more time following his death in October last year. Everything was looking healthy and lush.

Tragically, the pleasure experienced from roaming about such a garden is not going to be there for many future residents of Canberra. 

Canberra is now being reshaped by the de-greening programs of the dull and disingenuous leadership of Andrew Barr (Chief Minister – Labor) and Shane Rattenbury (ACT Greens leader) and their subservient Greenslabor government politicians and chief bureaucrats.

Under their infamous de-greening programs, ad hoc and non-enforced planning rules have encouraged the removal of trees and shrubbery in established suburbs for the building of large and expensive housing – with little space left for replacement greenery and for abundant gardens.

During this last decade of their relentless reign, new suburbs have been created with restricted spaces available for shrubbery and trees – let alone any gardens. Canberra’s biodiversity has been slowly diminished. 

This Greenslabor approach to de-greening, to creating heat-island suburbs and hacking away at the established suburbs was carried out as if this government believed that climate issues were not really that serious. It is as if the climate crisis is for someone else to confront.

The dynamic duo (Barr/Rattenbury) have little interest in aesthetics and design. Good architecture and beautiful landscapes are not what Canberra has been building since these Greenslabor leaders have dominated this city.

A fully established and well-designed garden with a well-designed climate-ready home attached must be something foreign to them. 

Cedric Bryant was passionate about gardens and this city’s landscape – both as a bush capital and as a town where residents used to be encouraged to construct and enjoy their own gardens. 

As you take the time to sit and enjoy a garden such as Cedric’s, you appreciate the benefits of having such a green space around your home. A garden changes with the seasons, you change things as new ideas occur to you, you enjoy the visitors to your garden – being the critters and birds who show up and inhabit as if they have assumed that it was created for them.

In Cedric’s garden… everything was looking healthy and lush. Photo: Paul Costigan

A garden is a place to sit quietly and ponder (spare us the Greenslabor City Renewal activations). 

There’s so much to be said and has been written about what a garden brings to the people who have the opportunity to enjoy a landscaped well-designed garden. Having a garden at home was appreciated by many during the scariest stages of the pandemic.

The Greenslabor era in Canberra will be remembered for the monies that were fritted away on pet ideological stupid projects. They will not be remembered for cherishing good design, biodiversity and aesthetics – and for looking after those in need. 

Gardening writer Cedric Bryant relaxes in his garden in December 2017.

One wonders what Barr and Rattenbury and their obedient party members think their legacy will be. Maybe they will award themselves trophies for the evictions of their own housing tenants. 

Once the dynamic duo have gone and people with values get back into government, history will not be kind in recounting the damage they did and the countless lost opportunities.

There are many people in this city who appreciate Cedric’s legacy. They know more about plants and gardens thanks to his sharing of his knowledge and passions. There are many private gardens designed by Cedric Bryant. His legacy lives on. He is still with us. 

For those lucky enough to have a garden with a home attached, please make sure you enjoy it as much as possible. Cedric Bryant would definitely encourage you to do so. Have you planted your tomatoes yet?

Paul Costigan is a commentator on cultural and urban matters. There are more of his columns at

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Paul Costigan

Paul Costigan

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7 Responses to Cedric’s garden reminds us of what’s being lost

Keith Thomas says: 5 November 2022 at 5:12 pm

Thank you, Paul.
I knew my front garden “hit the spot” recently when a 3-year-old walked onto its deep soft mulch and under the leafy canopy and told his mother “I want to stay in the tunnel” when she urged him to keep walking along to their destination. Everyone should be able to have a garden that children take genuine pleasure in. Adults, too, of course, but young children are excellent judges.

Jane says: 7 November 2022 at 12:20 pm

They certainly are Keith, and they love gardens, and their own space in which to play.

Keith Thomas says: 7 November 2022 at 3:29 pm

I spent my childhood on a quarter-acre block in the 1950s and 60s. It was the norm in our city and tradesmen, truck drivers and factory workers around us had blocks the same size. When I bought my quarter-acre block in Canberra (for 4 times my annual Clerk Class 2 gross salary in 1983) our neighbours were tradesmen and small business owners. They had their quarter acre blocks all around us. Little did we realise that the 1950s through the 1980s was a passing golden age.
Both generations had trees for the children to climb, a productive vegetable garden, a garage, a woodshed, a workshop, a chook run, a clothesline and space for children to play hide and seek with an infinite number of hiding places. No one ever parked overnight on the street.
On an established quarter-acre block, “lockdowns” are barely a problem, children can have pets, they have space for hobbies and also the opportunity to take responsibility for active and meaningful household tasks.
The quarter acre block comes with responsibilities to consider neighbours, maintain the nature strip and to organise the outdoor space.
Every child should have the opportunity to be brought up in a home like this with parents who know how to use it. Sadly many families today do not know how to use the space at their disposal and the outdoor space is just a rubbish tip and fire hazard. Perhaps they are too lazy, or unthinkingly follow the lifestyle example of neighbours who live in apartments or units.

Jane says: 7 November 2022 at 4:37 pm

Exactly! We always had a big yard in those years too, as kids in Brisbane, with the added advantage of a creek and bush across the road at one house, and bush across the road at our second (both very close to the city). What fun we had, though we missed the creek after we moved.
We have a bit under a quarter of an acre here too with fruit trees and vege gardens and space for kids to run and play.

Jane says: 7 November 2022 at 12:18 pm

Thank you Paul for another good article. You’d be hard pressed to find a less “green” group of politicians than those in charge at the moment. They’re such a disappointment. We love our garden and all its seasons, and hope to be able to enjoy it for many years to come.


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