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Canberra Today 3°/7° | Sunday, June 16, 2024 | Digital Edition | Crossword & Sudoku

Cheers for inaugural ‘Greasybalds’ art prize winner

Still from “CHEERS!” by Liam Pope.

LIAM Pope has won the $3000 first prize in the inaugural “GreasyBalds Art Prize” for his work “CHEERS!” it was announced today (October 27) by ACT Arts Minister Tara Cheyne.

Pope, a motion designer 3D artist won the new arts competition for his video depiction of two astronaut raising their tins of beer. Viewable here

“ ‘CHEERS!’ is a celebration of celebrations,” Pope said. “It takes inspiration from Australia’s favourite pastime, good bevs with good people. Whether it be knocking off after a hard day’s work, cooling down by the pool or just catching up with mates at the local, Aussies always have a reason to get on the beers.”

Cheyne, along with artist-designer James Manning and food critic Chris Hansen, was one of the judges, expressed a “a special thrill” in carrying out her dual roles, because this had been an initiative from a business, Grease Monkey in Braddon, but one that recognised and celebrated local artists and their talents.

GreasyBald entrants line up.

The proof of the initiative’s success, she said, was seen in the fact that over 127 artists entered and it was, in her view, “the perfect example of cross-sector collaboration between arts, culture and business“.

Grease Monkey owner Nick Tuckwell said he had put the call out to uncover talented local designers, illustrators, and underground artists from the Canberra region.

In other announcements of the morning, Martin Vant won $1500 cash for his digitally-drawn artwork, and Michael Steele took out the runner up in-kind prize of $750 in Grease Money for his cake creation inspired by a Grease Monkey meal. Danielle O’Reilly and Nathan Garrard both won highly commended.

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Helen Musa

Helen Musa

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