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Jimmy saves his last laughs for Canberra

Jimmy Rees… “Perhaps I have a random sense of what’s relatable to people.”

Funnyman JIMMY REES will end his national tour with encore performances in Canberra.

By popular request, funnyman Jimmy Rees will end his national tour at the Canberra Theatre on September 24, following the success of three sold-out shows here in July.

“I HAVE always dreamed of having my own stage show… it all came about from me living my life and posting videos of my silly characters online,” says funnyman Jimmy Rees, who’s now-iconic online skits have been turned into a sold-out live comedy show. 

His one-man show, “Meanwhile in Australia”, brings to the stage Jimmy’s eclectic comic characters created over the past two years, covering topics such as parenting, packaging and the pandemic. 

Jimmy will make a last stop of his national tour at the Canberra Theatre on September 24, following the success of three sold-out Canberra shows in July. 

He says that the response to the show has been so positive and he’s been asked by a lot of Canberrans to come back once again. 

“The tour has been amazing and really special. Who would have thought that through filming silly videos I would be selling out a national live tour!” says Jimmy. 

“Can’t explain how amazing that is… It’s certainly been a very weird time.” 

Rees has spent more than a decade as an Australian household name, having entertained the masses as a beloved TV and radio personality, comedian, children’s performer and now a viral internet success. He is best-known as Jimmy Giggle, the host of the ABC Kids TV show, “Giggle and Hoot” from 2009 to 2020. 

Reaching a monthly digital audience of more than nine million people, Jimmy’s viral videos cover the relatable and ridiculous experiences we have lived through over the past couple of years. 

Jimmy says he’s loved stepping on to the stage: “You can really feed off the audience in the live stage show,” he says. 

“When I’m recording videos online, I write some jokes, record them and wait for the comments. And if it’s no good, I can just delete it. 

“But it can be a shock when I’m in the theatre with an audience, we are all together and someone yells something out, or something goes a little wrong.”

Jimmy describes the energetic live show as his “attempt to bring my stupid characters to stage. Some work out fine, some don’t as well as I change costumes and characters.” 

His viral video “POV you are from Canberra” is full of Canberra “in jokes’’ and the funny, relatable aspects of living in Canberra. He says he had people convinced that he was once a Canberra local. 

Jimmy, who lives on the Mornington Peninsula with his wife and three children, says he does his research and reaches out to his online community to help provide the local insights in order to hit the right relatable note. 

“Perhaps I have a random sense of what’s relatable to people,” he says. 

“Over the past couple of years, you might have seen many random videos about many random things. This show will be just as random.” 

The show features favourite characters such as “The Ladies of Brighton” and the “Guy Who Decides”. 

Jimmy says he will keep going with creating characters and presenting his comedy online, with the plan to launch another live show next year. His debut book, “The Guy Who Decides” launches on September 27, bringing to the page his iconic characters in a side-splittingly funny read for adults.

“It all spawned from me creating comedy videos, creating them at my home to begin with and I want to keep going, ride the wave and see what comes.” 

“Meanwhile in Australia”, final shows. At Canberra Theatre, Saturday, September 24, 4.30pm and 7.30pm. Tickets from

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