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Why the planning chief has failed Canberra

The planning directorate’s proposals are a leap backwards from delivering good urban design and city planning. Photo: Paul Costigan

“The reform documents were drip fed and contained nasty surprises. They remain incomplete. The real intentions are now clear. It’s about the devastation of cherished suburbs in the name of compact city cramming,” writes “Canberra Matters” columnist PAUL COSTIGAN.

WHEN the ACT chief planner was appointed in April 2017, he explained his theoretical approach to planning. 

In April 2019 I used those statements to set out 10 performance indicators and then scored how he was doing. 

The chief planner’s performance indicators included references to citizen focus; quality public spaces; environmental management; building trust; being genuine with key groups; involving more Canberrans earlier; engaging with residents; that residents know the area better than anyone; not lambasting those speaking up; no surprises; people to be involved earlier to make planning easier.

He failed with a score of 19 out of 100. People said my assessment was too generous. I now agree they were correct. After the directorate’s 2022 disingenuous consultations on the planning reforms, the only score possible today is zero. 

Those performance indicators could be a theoretical list for a chief planner who genuinely wants to work with residents. By contrast, under the leadership of the ACT’s chief planner, the lack of respect for residents has increased and voices are ignored. Government ministers often denigrate those that speak up.

Government politicians have spruiked that the chief planner’s reforms will magically fix almost every planning and development issue raised by residents. There is little in his documents that will deliver improvements to biodiversity, liveability, green infrastructure, good design, great landscapes and increase affordable housing. 

The reform documents were drip fed to residents during 2022. They contained nasty surprises. They remain incomplete. The real intentions are now clear. 

It is about the devastation of cherished suburbs in the name of compact city cramming as envisioned by the chief minister. These reforms are not about respect for residents or the recognition of aspirations residents have for their homes, their families, their streets, their suburbs or their city. The proposals are a leap backwards from delivering good urban design and city planning. 

Planning is seen as having increased its disrespect of the voices of residents 

Residents have made hundreds of submissions about planning and development. That time-consuming, volunteer work was ignored. The planning directorate is seen as having increased its disrespect of the voices of residents. 

This chief planner has failed on trust, on engagement and on how to take seriously what people have said in their submissions.

The slow, disjointed and unco-ordinated release of stuff complete with shocking surprises, confirmed people’s mistrust of the planning directorate and the chief minister. 

Having failed the residents of this city, the planning chief’s only remaining defence would be that he has followed the orders of the chief minister. Others before him have tried that line, but have since packed their bags. The chief minister remains in his job.

Given that this directorate has made a complete mess of planning, it is weird that the same cohort was tasked to improve the planning processes. 

This same bureaucracy continues to this day with the inappropriate use of variations and consistently approves stuff outside its own rules.

Surely anyone sane would not have considered that this lot could deliver an innovative 21st century planning framework.

Community groups need to re-assess their dealings with this failed government planning agency, especially as its behaviour is getting worse. 

They need to stop doing the same thing in response to the disingenuous calls for consultations. Those years of submissions have been a waste of precious volunteer time and energy. So why keep making the same mistake over and over again?

Community groups need to think about what they value including key climate issues such as the need to increase the biodiversity and greenery throughout new and established suburbs. Residents need to change the way they advocate for good design in architecture and landscapes as well as ensuring that all residents have a 21st century designed roof over their heads. 

In these quests the current chief planner and his directorate are the major blockage. They are working against the aspirations of the residents. 

The planning chief’s only success has been to please the chief minister – so far. The voices of residents remain fundamentally important for this city’s future. Something has to urgently change in how community groups go about achieving what is good for the city now and for future generations.

Paul Costigan is a commentator on cultural and urban matters. There are more of his columns at

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Paul Costigan

Paul Costigan

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3 Responses to Why the planning chief has failed Canberra

cbrapsycho says: 15 March 2023 at 8:39 am

In most organisations the chief executive is NOT the treasurer, as a separation is required for good oversight. We have a chief minister who controls everything, including planning. His ministers do what they’re told.

No-one is looking after the needs of ratepayers or other long-term residents who love this city but who’re becoming increasingly disenchanted as the destruction of green spaces intensifies, as space for trees, plants, parks and cool places to walk in summer diminishes. Our city gets hotter in summer as the heat reflects off asphalt, glass and concrete, as well as colder in winter with wind tunnels created by the buildings.

Whilst I love Sydney, these factors that we are copying are what makes that built up city centre a place to avoid at both the hottest and coldest times of year, as people seek out the green spaces and the water. These areas and more protected in Sydney than they are here. We can have great cities that are full of people, but they need calm places to go to refresh, revive and energise their lives and creativity.

Barbara Moore says: 15 March 2023 at 10:06 am

Kingston has 90% high density apartments with more to come. It is apparent we have two “chiefs” too many and a public service eager to please and keep their jobs.

Liz loomes says: 19 March 2023 at 1:16 am

Paul Costigan has stated
“Community groups need to re-assess their dealings with this failed government planning agency, especially as its behaviour is getting worse. They need to stop doing the same thing in response to the disingenuous calls for consultations …Those years of submissions have been a waste of precious volunteer time and energy. So why keep making the same mistake over and over again? Residents need to change the way they advocate for good design in architecture and landscapes as well as ensuring that all residents have a 21st century designed roof over their heads. ”

Given that Community Groups are mere concerned citizens and not specialist town planners, architects or urban designers, one begs Mr Costigan to outline these new ways of advocating. Are we talking lying in front of bulldozers? public demonstrations? sit-ins in Planning Authority offices? door-stepping the Greenslabour ministers for answers as to why Canberra citizenry has been ignored? Petitions delivered by Community groups to Barr’s Office? Egg-throwing at all public appearances, be they relevant or irrelevant to the topic?

In short, HOW do we make this Greenslabor Government listen or take a backwards step. We’ve tried polite rational argument, so what’s this alternative Mr Costigan is suggesting? I for one, would welcome any suggestion on how to obstruct arrogance and put the kibosh on slither-words from senior public servants serving only the interests off the Chief Minister.


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