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Monday, September 23, 2024 | Digital Edition | Crossword & Sudoku

Federal MPs exempt from mandatory quarantine

FULLY vaccinated federal MPS, senators and staff coming to the ACT from covid-impacted areas for October’s sittings and estimates hearings at Parliament House will not be required to undertake a fortnight’s quarantine, according to ACT Chief Minister Andrew Barr. 

The chief minister made the announcement on his Twitter account this afternoon (October 7), saying the exemption for politicians comes under new ACT Health guidelines.

Unvaccinated politicians will still be subject to 14 days of isolation, he said.  

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One Response to Federal MPs exempt from mandatory quarantine

Terrence O'Brien says: 10 October 2021 at 12:57 pm

Why not apply this rule for double-vaccinated ACT residents returning from interstate too, with the proviso that they adhere to any restrictions in the jurisdiction to which they travel?
Or is it one rule for the politicians and their staffs, and another for the masses?


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