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Covid case numbers slump again in Canberra

NEW covid cases reported today have once again slumped below one thousand cases.
ACT Health says there were 808 new infections; 432 were detected by PCR testing and and 376 via rapid antigen testing.
There are currently 5832 active cases in of covid in the ACT.
Meanwhile, there are 43 patients with covid in ACT hospitals, a little down in yesterday’s 46. Two patients are in intensive care and another is on a ventilator.
There have been 42 lives lost in Canberra to covid, three of whom died this week. 

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2 Responses to Covid case numbers slump again in Canberra

Red says: 2 April 2022 at 5:25 pm

Covid-19 cases might be going up and up and down and up, but they did not yet “slump”. Don’t sensationalise the news like commercial television, for instance. Even the ABC is not totally immune to imitate their commercial colleagues.

Sue says: 4 April 2022 at 2:02 am

It seems the community are tired of COVID so prefer to pretend it’s gone. For immunocompromised people this makes the community and the workplace scary as anything. Caution is being thrown to the wind with no concern left as we enter flu season and force the vulnerable back into the office. Numbers drop every weekend. The weekly numbers are actually up. With the vulnerable forced back into the office I fear deaths will be up shortly too.


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