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PM calls for MPs to stay in parliament longer

Time limits for federal members of parliament need to be increased, the prime minister says. (Lukas Coch/AAP PHOTOS)

By Andrew Brown in Canberra

Three-year term limits for federal MPs are too short, the prime minister says, but he admits changes to time spent in parliament are unlikely to happen soon.

Anthony Albanese said it was unfortunate an increase to four-year terms for federal parliament would not be coming through soon, despite states and territories having the longer limits in place.

“Our terms are too short with just three years,” Mr Albanese told reporters in Sydney on Wednesday.

“There’s been a couple of attempts to fix that in the past, and it’s very difficult to change.”

Labor’s national platform said fixed four-year terms for the House of Representatives and the Senate should be considered.

But any change to how long MPs serve in parliament would require a successful referendum.

“Our view, our long-term policy, and we’ve put it to the Australian people, is for four-year terms, but I don’t anticipate that happening any time soon,” Mr Albanese said.

“That’s unfortunate, every single state has four years.”

The next federal election is due to be held by May 2025, but can be held earlier should the prime minister want to go to the polls sooner.

Mr Albanese has previously said he wanted to serve his full term as prime minister.

He did not say if an early election would be held when asked if one take place in 2024.

“We’re focused on governing during the year,” he said.

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One Response to PM calls for MPs to stay in parliament longer

David says: 5 January 2024 at 8:42 am

Sadly it’s hardly surprising when a politician knows they and their party are performing so badly they are likely lose significant seats at the next election they start thinking about ways to stay in a nicely paid job without merit for longer. At least Albos learnt not to take an idea to a referendum he knows he is going to lose. Although this time he has hopefully realised the ABC is so out of touch with reality that they cause more harm than good to the campaigns they support and he would be wise to get the ABC to campaign against his ideas.


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