The 28th Canberra Short Film Festival kicks off on Thursday with an impressive student/under-18 showcase featuring no fewer than 23 films. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg, says HELEN MUSA.
It's a long title, but the moment you read “The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (abridged) [revised]” or its alternative, “The Compleat Works of Wllm Shkspr (abridged)”, you know you’re in for some fun, writes HELEN MUSA.
"Michael (Mikelangelo) Simic was such a huge personality on stage that, at times, you could see Shortis and Simpson struggling to keep up." HELEN MUSA reviews the latest edition of "Under the Influence".
Canberra artist Frances McMahon has won an Award of Excellence at the 7th annual Holmes Prize for Excellence in Realistic Australian Bird Art in Minyama, Queensland.
With a rock-to-opera career behind him, superstar Peruvian tenor Juan Diego Flórez is coming to Australia for the first time on a three-stop tour — and one of those stops will be Canberra’s Llewellyn Hall.
There's a serious side to comedian Paul McDermott – and he's back in his hometown exploring it. That said, it's not all that serious, for “Paul McDermott Plus One – Blood Orange”, is likely to bring the house down, writes HELEN MUSA.