Bread Revue, a newish Canberra comedy team, is back again this weekend at Belco arts for the second year, bringing original comedy aimed at the world of 20-pluses, reports HELEN MUSA.
Canberra-raised playwright, Mary Rachel Brown has a knack for memorable play names and her latest, "Rosieville", is no exception, reports arts editor HELEN MUSA.
"The Genius of Gianni Versace Alive" is likely to be one of the most popular offerings at the upcoming Italian Film Festival, says arts editor HELEN MUSA.
Young Polish pianist Aleksandra Swigut, known for her dynamic, energetic virtuosity, is coming to Australia both virtually and live as the guest of Canberra’s Friends of Chopin Australia.
Canberra Strings farewells its director Barbara Jane Gilby with a majestic concert. "Hopefully, they can keep her experience and talent as a player." says reviewer ROB KENNEDY.