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Friday, March 7, 2025 | Digital Edition | Crossword & Sudoku

Have you seen Travis?

travis rutzou

ACT Policing is seeking the public’s assistance in locating missing 20-year-old man, Travis Rutzou.

Travis was last seen by a family member when they drove him to Civic about 9:50am yesterday morning (19 September).Travis is described as Caucasian in appearance, 185cm (6’1”) tall with a solid build, blue eyes and brown hair which is shaved on the sides and curly on top. He was last seen wearing a dark grey sports jacket, a grey t-shirt, blue knee length athletic shorts and grey canvas shoes.

Police hold concerns for Travis’ welfare, and are urging anyone who may have seen a man matching the above description to contact police on 131 444. Please quote reference number 6013811.

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