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Chief minister must cede Treasury, says Emerson

Independents for Canberra leader Thomas Emerson… ““Canberrans want to be participants in a living democracy, not spectators to a perpetual power-sharing arrangement.”

Independents for Canberra will seek to formally prevent the same person from being both chief minister and treasurer concurrently in the next Legislative Assembly.

Party leader Thomas Emerson said the group was responding to community concerns about the concentration of power in the Chief Minister’s office and would seek to make the change if it held the balance of power after the October ACT election.

“It is well known that very little happens in the ACT without the say-so of our current chief minister, who is also the treasurer,” said Emerson.

“Other Labor-Greens ministers seem to have little capacity to challenge ‘the Chief’.

“We’ve recently heard from the Greens environment minister that the cabinet is unwilling to deliver a more ambitious environmental policy. When the minister responsible for the environment can’t actually deliver better environmental outcomes, Canberrans are rightly asking, ‘Who is the cabinet, exactly?’

“Allowing the leader to also hold the purse strings risks threatening the integrity of our democracy.

“Canberrans want to be participants in a living democracy, not spectators to a perpetual power-sharing arrangement. People want to see an open debate where a genuine contest of ideas is not only possible, but encouraged.”

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4 Responses to Chief minister must cede Treasury, says Emerson

Palmerston's Lament says: 14 August 2024 at 1:08 pm

Sir Joh (less the Sir post the Fitzgerald Inquiry) held both the Premier and Treasurer position in Queensland. The lessons learnt from the Fitzgerald Inquiry and related actions, suggest that anyone who casually thinks combining the two positions into one person is either foolish or a fool.

Democracy works only when there are checks and balances and a contestability of ideas. Here, after far too long with the same Government, we have neither. Instead, we have found ourselves with a CM who is potentially running out of time. A smooth operator would have smoke-bombed in December, leaving the steaming pile to his acolytes.

Fiona Carrick says: 14 August 2024 at 4:12 pm

I support the separation of these positions.

Palmerston's Lament says: 15 August 2024 at 7:10 am

You have to say “why”. What part of the democratic process do you take issue with, and how and why would you change it to be more transparent and efficient.

cbrapsycho says: 14 August 2024 at 9:42 pm

The most successful organisations keep the roles of CEO & Finance separate and corporate governance recommends it, as does the Australian Institute of Company Directors. This ensures there are several perspectives and oversight of strategy and implementation, rather than one person dominating decisions and information which enables them to control all actions.


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